So I am now almost 5mth post op from my laparoscopy that resulted in a "no endometriosis found" after biopsy was done. I also had an MRI last month. No adenomyosis was found.
Now 5mths later I am hugely bloated 4 days now with what seems like "endo belly". Everyone says I must be pregnant and are congratulating me which literally bring me to tears because idk if I can even get pregnant.
And I'm having a pain on my left lower pelvic region like I used to b4 my laparoscopy. I'm on visanne until 6mth post op so haven't have any periods 4mths now. But on the days my period is technically due past two month I'm having cramping
I'm sorry this turned into a rant instead of a question I'm just very emotional and stressed and confused right now. If is not endo what could this be. I'm fearing next month when I'll be back to having periods.