Hi all, has anybody had a date for there post covid surgery yet? I'm currently waiting for my Laparoscopy. I got told 2-3 months last month. But I was just wondering if anyone has had a date yet?
Post covid surgery: Hi all, has anybody had... - Endometriosis UK
Post covid surgery

Hello honey I'm 29 in next Thursday for open abdominal hysterectomy was due to have 7th April canceled due to covid now in next thur xx

Thank you for your reply 😊. I'm so glad that surgeries are starting up again. I'm so fed up of being in pain now. I really hope everything goes okay for you though ❤️❤️
Thank you sweetie. What r u waiting on a laperoscopy? They r doing day cases as I needed a endoscopy for something else I only had a call last week asking if I could attend this week 4 day case endoscopy but had to refuse before open major surgery you have to self isolate for 2 weeks so that's why have you not got any good pain killers in the mean time. I got to the point where every one was prob sick of me lol, I was ringing my gp more or less 2 to 4 times every few weeks calling my consultants secretary, to get anywhere in life you need to ask and u need to push or you could be anywhere on the waiting list xxx

Waiting on a Gyno laparoscopy to check if I have endometriosis.hopefully I'll hear from someone soon. Yeah I keep ringing last time I phoned they said they were starting up soon so that's why I wondered if anyone had a date as such yet. Yeah got pain killers got co-codamol and oramorph for when it's really bad. Just pain everyday now getting hard to get out of bed. My GP won't chase anything up saying I've got to phone them. But fingers crossed that I will hear soon.
That's terrible it's your doctors duty to contact them not yours. My gp surgery r quite strict iv only ever been given codeine before which I threw my guts up of this morning knocks me so sick. U had no ultrasound or anythingxxx

Yeah my drs a bit useless like that. I had to mither them over and over to give me something stronger than Codine. I've had ultrasound before covid etc but they could never find anything hence them sending me for Laparoscopy. Xxx
That tends to be case with alot of women nothing on ultrasound, then laparoscopy reveals all. Gyne isn't classed as an emergency 90% of the time so unless it's cancer they can leave us waiting ages... Yet we live a crap quality of life xxxx

Yeah so fingers crossed something shows up just so I know what to do next! Yeah I've heard that alot about it not being urgent. Good luck with your surgery 🙏 xx
My consultant though took it to management to say I needed it doing as I kept pushing my gp to expedite it they expedited it 3x then I was put striaght in for my surgery xx
Hi Chelsea I’m waiting for my surgery an got told last week I’m probably looking at next year 😩. Hope you get sorted soon cxx
Hi lovely, I had a call on Monday for my first laparoscopy for the 12th august. I have been on a waiting list since October, was meant to have it around March time and then covid happened. My DR did me an expedite letter because of how bad things were and I kept badgering my consultants sec for answers!..Fingers crossed for you X
I’m still waiting hun 😭 I’m having the same as you to confirm weather it is endo as my ultrasound showed nothing but all symptoms and pain there. I’ve rang so many times and been told still no start date yet but y pain is constantly getting worse. I hope you get sorted soon it’s horrible being in pain every day and just having to deal with it xx
I’m waiting for laparoscopy, ultrasounds show nothing..
I’m in herts so hoping for an appointment soon, apparently you get 2 weeks notice to go in x
Hey Chelsea-Anne,
Hope you’re doing ok and Not in too much discomfort...
I had my first face-to-face consultation with my surgeon yesterday after my surgery was cancelled on 30th March. Been given 18th August for my op which will be a Laparoscopy followed by a bilateral incision to remove both ovaries, a large cyst, haemorrhage and Endo...cannot come soon enough!!
Keep chasing them chick, it’s the only way. If no luck with the hospital or GP there’s PALS which is an advisory group ( a bit like Citizens Advice for patients) they can help escalate any issues if you need to get answers sooner.
Hope all you ladies are coping post Covid...🤞🏼Crossed we get sorted quickly!
Claire x
So I randomly got called the other day and was given a date of 28th july or 4th August, so looks like they may be phoning people pretty last minute as normally you get around 6 weeks notice!! I picked 4th aug as you have to self isolate for 14 days. It will likely depend on where you are based as I think only certain hospitals are offering surgeries due to covid, my hospital swapped as the original one isnt taking surgeries but their partner hospital is. So it may be in your area things may be slower. I'm based in Swindon but the hospital I chose was in Surrey.
When I had my last surgery it was literally almost a year that I had to wait (back in 2014).
I have chased a few times so definitely keep badgering, it does seem to be the way to get noticed. I called the theatre team only a couple of weeks ago and was told to phone back next month to see if any progress as it was going to be months yet... and here I am a few weeks later with a date in 2 weeks time! I think some of them really don't know what's going on with timings, they didnt have a clue for me before covid struck let alone after with delays, so they may be telling you its further away than it actually is. As last month I was told it will still be ages!
Keep badgering non stop every couple of weeks and you will get there, there will be a light at the end of the tunnel soon for you just keep strong. Let us know how you get on xo
Thank you so much for your reply. A few people have said they have got there surgery dates so fingers crossed I hear something soon. Yeah I will give them another ring this week. Thank you. I'm based in Derbyshire but under hospital's in Sheffield so fingers crossed. Last time I spoke to my specialist he said 2-3 months. Hope everything goes okay for you as well xx
Hi I got a call on Tuesday giving me the 28th Aug so I got about 5 wks notice. But I do have a pre op and bloods to do again and then need to isolate so think that was taken into account with dating. Hope you get yours soon x
Thank you for your comment. Yeah fingers crossed I hear something soon. Good luck on yours hope everything goes okay for you xx