Hi all,
I was originally due to have my diagnostic laparoscopy at the end of March but due to Covid it was postponed. I've just been told that it's been moved to a private hospital and is on the 9th July tentatively. Since lockdown, I have continued to experience the usual pain, but also came the realisation that if it is adhesions due to c-section scar, a lap may further give me adhesions. I also looked into alternative therapies, and have my first face to face apt with a private pelvic physio on Monday. Ultimately, we want to try and second baby, and we just last month started (come what may).
I have also been managing pain in between cycles much better through diet (no gluten, dairy, and caffiene limited as well as alcohol - literally a glass a week if that). I still get constipated a lot and gassy, have had MRI pelvis and abdominal scans and no convincing evidence of deep endo, but who knows.
I know only I can weigh up the pros and cons and balance my everyday quality of life vs potentially improving it etc... but I wanted to ask others what their experiences have been having had a c sections and then key hole surgeries after that. I appreciate that a lot of women here have had multiple surgeries and it's a sensitive area.
Im basically torn between just getting it done or holding off a bit longer to see if I can self-manage in another way. hope this makes sense amidst the waffle. I have explained my symptoms loads on this forum previously but generally lower right side abdominal/pelvic pain referring to upper back, and usually ovarian pain too.
Thank you lovelies