I started my period in 2012, age 13, and from then on have been in horrific pain. They have always been painful and heavy, I would bleed through a pad in 30 minutes so would wear 5 at a time during school so I could stay in class. At 15 I was put on the pill but while that stopped the pain outside my period, it didn't during as that was the same. At 16 I had the pill changed due to being diagnosed with migraines but that caused me to bleed for 9 months with no break.
As the years went on, the pain got worse, I would be bedbound during my period, vomiting and diahorrea each cycle, around a week before my period started I would get ill, and I would only have 2 days a months where I wasn't in pain. The beginning of 2019, I got the injection because I was sick of taking so many tablets all the time and still feeling awful, and the doctors weren't doing anything to help me other than accusing me of being a drug addict and/or a hypercondriac.
This caused a reaction and made what was already happening worse. I had to quit my job, defer university for a year, and was back and forwards to my GP, on the phone with 111 multiple times a week, and went to the A&E department twice, all in three weeks. At this point, I was 19 years old and the pain was so sever my GP put me on 120mg of dihydrocodeine while telling me it's a strong dose for someone my age and I shouldn't need it. I was literally tearing my hair out because of the pain and I could feel it over my whole body. I later found out it's because I had a retroverted uterus so it must have been pressing on a nerve in my spine.
I had to lie about not being a virgin so I could have an internal ultrasound done because they couldn't see anything on an external due to my uterus being tilted so far back. That came back clear so they sent me to the hospital where I was told that due to my weight they cannot do exploratory surgery to diagnose me, even though they are 99.9% sure I have endometriosis. I had a coil fitted, was in agony the whole time, I can't even stand the feeling of a speculum. I'm being forced to sit here in pain, watching my life go passed me. I can't sit up for more than 30 minutes at a time without debilitating pain, I'm unable to walk more than 2 minutes, stand more than 5 without being in agony. I live my life laying on my back with a tens machine or a hot water bottle on my belly. I'm 21 and have no quality of life.
Can anyone offer me any tips, or support. I am literally at the end of my tether right now and don't know how much longer I can cope like this.