Hi ladies,
This is my first post but just wanted your take. I'll try not to make it too long.
I'm 26. I have a long history of various (largely unexplained problems) I have been assessed by gastro for rectal bleeding, pelvic/adbo pain - no cause found presumed IBS.
I had a long period of painful intercourse and was told it was vulvodynia. This improved for a bit but is now back, was referred for psychosexual counselling but didn't ever book on for one reason or another.
Ive had long standing pelvic and flank pain that comes and goes.
Ive had clear pelvic ultrasounds, minus odd follicular cyst.
In the last 6 months or so I seem to have developed this odd thick, dark - almost tarry discharge for about 5-7 days BEFORE my period starts, my periods can be pretty heavy but then only last about 4 days max with the heavy bleeding.
I get pain, I use hot water bottles from time to time, painkillers etc. I WOULDN'T**(noticed my error) say I was in excruciating pain - which is why i've always discounted endo, but I went to a GUM clinic to ask about excess vaginal discharge (been with my other half 8 yrs - not because suspected STI ha) and she was the first person to mention endo. Says that it isn't always terrible pain.
I get pain around ovulation too.
Now fast forward to start of April (I developed a fever, drs have pretty much ruled out Covid, i have had persistent low grade fevers (37.8-38.1 in afternoon/evenings) for majority of this month. And they're investigating me for this - bloods have come back normal but want to send me for chest x-ray to rule out lymphoma... obvs very worried about this but think couldn't possibly be a cancer when I feel otherwise pretty well.
So I wonder - do any of you ladies get fevers? and do my symptoms/story sound familiar or likely?
Thank you all in advance.