Has anyone delayed their laparoscopy? - Endometriosis UK

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Has anyone delayed their laparoscopy?

priyainindore profile image
17 Replies

Hi all,

I am 35 years old. My acute symptoms started about 8 months ago, although prior to that had on and off ovarian pain. I was originally under gastro for suspected IBS, but after various tests (endoscopy; MRIs; scan) and me keeping a pain management and food diary the light bulb went off and the consultant realised it sounded more like a gynae issue. I've always had heightened food sensitivities, gas/constipation since I was 19, and I've always put it down to IBS and intolerances, whilst I know now they can coexist with other things, I question now whether I've always had endo. My periods were always very heavy, and I had intense pain.

I had a c section 2.5 years ago (did not have any issues conceiving for which I am immensely grateful), and therefore they suspect adhesions, endo and/or both. My symptoms vary from nausea, to bloating, to pressure in the pelvic area, to stabbing/dull pain on the right hand side of pelvis where my right ovary is. I get that dull but persistently acute ovarian pain during my period and then immediately for a week up until I've finished ovulating. I also have painful bowel movements during my period and get constipated easily. I've presented at A&E twice when the pain was unbearable, but each time they just gave me pain relief and sent me packing as i was still under consultants. I'm lucky as my journey navigating the nhs has been somewhat easier than others, and i've done a lot of the homework for professionals, keeping diaries etc.

I've had a trans-vag ultrasound which unsurprisingly has not shown anything and yesterday I had a pelvic MRI with constrast dye and awaiting results. I am scheduled in for a laparoscopy on the 31 March. I'm anxious about the lap, primarily because my mum had one when I was 3 months pregnant, and it turned out to be stage 4 stomach cancer. I know my symptoms are very different and I'm scheduled for one for very different reasons, but I can't help but have flashbacks of hearing mum's fate that day after the lap. My husband and I are also keen to have another baby, and I'm in this predicament whereby do I hold off the lap, until after trying given that symptoms may reduce, or do I just try and get clarity and hopefully address some of my issues before taking a leap of faith. Not looking for advice per say, just a sounding board or some shared experiences of others in the same boat. I'm currently not on any contraception either.

Sorry for the overshare. I found this forum incredibly helpful, and I feel reassured that I'm not alone x

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priyainindore profile image
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17 Replies
Orch1d12 profile image

Your story is very similar to mine. Had a laparoscopy 6 months ago. Felt the results instantly! My mood improved, back pain disappeared and bloating gone. I’d say don’t delay as there are chances you can still conceive

priyainindore profile image
priyainindore in reply to Orch1d12

Oh really did they find endo or adhesions? Did you only get your symptoms after your first baby?

Orch1d12 profile image
Orch1d12 in reply to priyainindore

They found endo and 2 huge cysts, one of which was hitting a spinal nerve hence the back pain. I’ve got 2 boys, youngest is 5, so it must of come on after I had him

Orch1d12 profile image
Orch1d12 in reply to priyainindore

Incidentally I was seeing a private gyna. Her advice was not to conceive until after the lap as you may miscarry.

priyainindore profile image
priyainindore in reply to Orch1d12

Thank you that's good to know. Sorry to hear you were in so much pain. Did the lap identify the cysts or did you have an mri before which showed them?

Were you getting pain all month round or was it cyclical? Sorry for the questions. Really helpful to have someone else that went through similar experience.

Afrohair profile image

You must go with your heart when it comes to ttc because you don’t know what will happen even if you have adhesions surgery can cause more problems and more adhesions you must think well when considering surgery although that is the main point of call I had a baby and lost it at 12.5 week but that doesn’t deter me to try again my endo specialist said theirs no reason why I shouldn’t be able to carry unless my tubes were blocked and it’s my choice my symptoms also came after a c section and I wish they would tell people more about c sections !!more people have endo now because of c sections!theres no harm you being on waiting list for a lap and still try for a baby

priyainindore profile image
priyainindore in reply to Afrohair

Thanks. Did you choose to have a laparoscopy? Is that how you found out about your adhesions? Did you have any follow up surgery?

I am booked to have soon on 31 march.

Afrohair profile image
Afrohair in reply to priyainindore

Is it with a specialist your lap?i probably have adhesions as I’ve had previous c sections.im awaiting a referral for a lap it could be 9 months before I get seen .remember a lap means nothing unless they treat it

priyainindore profile image
priyainindore in reply to Afrohair

It's not with an endo specialist but hes performed a lot of laps and removed some endo or adhesions on previous people. I pushed for the pelvic scan to primarily see if it indicates deep endo in other organs as I was told if they see that during the lap then they wont touch me and I'd have to be referred to an endo specialist centre. Had the mri on sunday so awaiting the results

priyainindore profile image
priyainindore in reply to priyainindore

Hes a gynae specialist though

Afrohair profile image
Afrohair in reply to priyainindore

It Dosent always show on mri though does it?

priyainindore profile image
priyainindore in reply to Afrohair

No it doesn't. Was your lap with an endo specialist?

priyainindore profile image
priyainindore in reply to priyainindore

Sorry meant is it with an endo specialist as you've not had it yet!

priyainindore profile image
priyainindore in reply to priyainindore

Ps. Can I ask what your symptoms are?

Afrohair profile image
Afrohair in reply to priyainindore

I haven’t had a lap yet but I’ve seen a specialist for advise privately and was told I have endometriosis nodules on examination .

I’m waiting for a referral of diagnosis and treatment.

My symptoms are heavy bleeding and excruciating pain on period and in between periods sometimes during ovulation

Painful sex

Feel like vomiting on my period

Abdominal pain

Vaginal pain

Issues with diaphragm with physical exercise (endo can go to your diaphragm)

Also bleeding of the bowl on period

And yes I got my g.p to refer me to the private gynaecologist also works on nhs

skybluepink profile image

Have you looked into focussed ultrasound ?

priyainindore profile image
priyainindore in reply to skybluepink

I've had a transvaginal ultrasound and it came back normal bar one fibroid

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