Hi all,
I am 35 years old. My acute symptoms started about 8 months ago, although prior to that had on and off ovarian pain. I was originally under gastro for suspected IBS, but after various tests (endoscopy; MRIs; scan) and me keeping a pain management and food diary the light bulb went off and the consultant realised it sounded more like a gynae issue. I've always had heightened food sensitivities, gas/constipation since I was 19, and I've always put it down to IBS and intolerances, whilst I know now they can coexist with other things, I question now whether I've always had endo. My periods were always very heavy, and I had intense pain.
I had a c section 2.5 years ago (did not have any issues conceiving for which I am immensely grateful), and therefore they suspect adhesions, endo and/or both. My symptoms vary from nausea, to bloating, to pressure in the pelvic area, to stabbing/dull pain on the right hand side of pelvis where my right ovary is. I get that dull but persistently acute ovarian pain during my period and then immediately for a week up until I've finished ovulating. I also have painful bowel movements during my period and get constipated easily. I've presented at A&E twice when the pain was unbearable, but each time they just gave me pain relief and sent me packing as i was still under consultants. I'm lucky as my journey navigating the nhs has been somewhat easier than others, and i've done a lot of the homework for professionals, keeping diaries etc.
I've had a trans-vag ultrasound which unsurprisingly has not shown anything and yesterday I had a pelvic MRI with constrast dye and awaiting results. I am scheduled in for a laparoscopy on the 31 March. I'm anxious about the lap, primarily because my mum had one when I was 3 months pregnant, and it turned out to be stage 4 stomach cancer. I know my symptoms are very different and I'm scheduled for one for very different reasons, but I can't help but have flashbacks of hearing mum's fate that day after the lap. My husband and I are also keen to have another baby, and I'm in this predicament whereby do I hold off the lap, until after trying given that symptoms may reduce, or do I just try and get clarity and hopefully address some of my issues before taking a leap of faith. Not looking for advice per say, just a sounding board or some shared experiences of others in the same boat. I'm currently not on any contraception either.
Sorry for the overshare. I found this forum incredibly helpful, and I feel reassured that I'm not alone x