Over the last 12 years I've been suffering with several issues. Periods for up too three months at a time, heavy and full of clots. Constant fatigue which some times makes me dizzy(when I'm on my period). Bloating, ibs like symptoms, sharp pain under ribs. Pelvic pain which goes from dull and achy. Pain when having sex, pain during smears, pain and uncomfortableness when trying to use tampons. (I can now no longer use them, last 3 years)
I've been tested for food allergies, bloods (which have been low and I've been given iron and folic acid) and had a transvaginal scan 3 years ago which showed no problems.
Two weeks ago I had a diagnostic lap which came back all clear, they checked my tubes, ovaries, pelvic walls and uterus which was all clear, no endometriosis found so now I've been discharged with no further referal.
I'm at a loss, upset and feel crazy. Any advice on what to do?
Thank you