Hi .. omg it's been such a long journey, I'll try to keep it minimal!
Long story short..
- I have been waiting for a Gynacologist appointment since August for fertility issues primarily. Endo wasn't really discussed although I've had years and years of excruciating pain that has progressed worse and worse.
- I and a private Gynacologist (I became inpatient due to agony a few months ago) believe I have endo. I need a laparoscopy.
- a laparoscopy private was 3.5k! Which I couldn't afford, so I asked to go back onto the NHS.
- this private gaeny wrote a letter to my doctor recommending a laparoscopy.
- she then expedited (fast tracked) my original appointment referral for the Gynacologist that I've been waiting for since August (thus we haven't really saved any time) but I have an appointment next month (woohoo)
The issue I now have is, if they refer me for a laparoscopy which is likely given the info I'll be sharing and the prior recommendation from a private consultant having done multiple tests.. This may not be with a BGCE registered endo specialist!?
So will they then refer me on as appropriate, or should I be calling my GP and requesting my referral get moved to an endo specialist clinic? Bearing in mind that we need fertility issues afterwards to be reviewed?
I just don't know what to do! Do I go ahead with the appointment next month and have this person refer me for a laparoscopy done by a the general gynae who will follow things through and help with the fertility issues or should I be separating both issues out and waiting potentially even longer to be seen ....
#exhausting #headsgone lol