I need to rant.
I'm struggling emotionally with my severe Endometriosis. I was diagnosed 7 months ago from surgery. The surgery didn't help and I am back to where I started and slowly getting worse with chronic pain and endo symptoms. it's very debilitating. I'm housebound most of the time.
My second opinion specialist cancelled my first appointment wIth him last month because he wanted me to get a DIE ultrasound. He was supposed to consult with another specialist and then contact me. It's been 2 weeks and I called twice, both times they said he was busy with patients and will call me back. He never did. And quite frankly I am beyond pissed off with him and don't have the energy or emotional capacity to keep harassing him for my results and an appointment. I was supposed to be a emergency case for godsake.
I'm due to come off Visanne in 3 days and will eventually have my first period in 7 months. I can predict my hormones will give me a hell of a time and I and everyone around me will suffer for it. I predict it's also going to be very painful. Being so close to Christmas, I'm silently stressing that my hormones and endo pains are going to overtake my body and put me in a painful and emotional state that is not fit for public view. I have experienced something similar right before my endo diagnosis and it was hell.
I honestly am sick of talking about my endo and literally suffer in silence because I don't want to come across as complaining or burden anyone or burst into tears when someone asks me any personal questions, even if they are not related to my endo. I have hidden in the bathroom from family and my partner at times when my pain is bad and tried to cry quietly. I don't like crying in front of people. I was never a cryer before endo overtook my life unless it was related to hormones. I have refused to go to ED When my pain is bad because I have never had a good experience there. I just feel disrespected and not taken seriously and I also hate hospitals.
I have so much anger inside me and it triggers constant tears because I have never felt this much anger and frustration before and I don't know how to deal with it. I've been looking up psychologists in my area who specialise with chronic pain as well as depression and anxiety. I'm willing to go to one to hopefully get some other strategies to help me cope. The only thing is I have had bad past experiences with psychologists, had no help from them and they just wanted to drug me up and send me on my way. I know what is causing my current emotional state, the chronic pain. I just need a therapist to listen and I can have a good cry to without feeling like I am burdening them and I just want some simple strategies to help me cope with this chronic illness while I wait for further treatment. I can only try so much meditation, yoga and creative distraction techniques! They all end in frustration or crying.