Sorry for the zoomed in pic, but hi everyone 😂- I had a lap 12 weeks ago and still have an extremely hard lump in my belly button (see top left). It’s not getting softer despite dr saying it will. Anyone have a lump like this post lap that decreased in size/softened? My belly button used to be so cute 😞
Belly button lump: Sorry for the zoomed in... - Endometriosis UK
Belly button lump

I had a kind of skin tag after my second lap which took about 5 to 6 months to dissolve / reabsorb, so I think it can take a while. you could try some massage oils and gently massage it each day like you would a sore muscle or a skin lump - that may help circulation and break it down.
Quite often it's scar tissue from the lap and may stay like that or shrink - hopefully the latter.
Mine bothered me for ages - then I thought "well it's just my belly button and why am I so bothered about how it looks" once I realised I was so hung up on how it used to look and thought about how much had been done during my lap and what the lap had actually done - excised endo and improved symptoms I stopped thinking or worrying about it.
Hope you're okay otherwise xx
Thank you! Turns out the lump is a granuloma formed in reaction to the embedded stitch. I have the option of getting it excused or waiting to see if it resolves.

Interesting - if they removed it would another form? is it a simple local anaesthetic day case sort of thing? just curious!
Good that it's not an infection though, and nothing you've done - just something that happens I guess.
Thank you for this reply! It has really helped.
For me, the pain that is still present in the area of the lump is what is most frustrating. Some days I feel better (albeit with the hard lump) and then days after, I feel like I regress to more pain and tenderness. It always makes me feel like I’m not healing. Combined with my doctor saying that I’ll feel good in 1-2 weeks (I’m 12 weeks now), it is frustrating!
Mine stayed like this after the op - they went in like the 'ring' of the bellybutton and then what all that grossness finally healed, I found one right at the very base of my bellybutton (grim). Bellybutton has stayed super shallow as they obvs stitched it together a little bit, and the one on the edge of it has formed into a lump thats still there nearly 2 years later!
Turns out the lump is a granuloma formed in reaction to the embedded stitch. I have the option of getting it excused or waiting to see if it resolves.
Hiya, just wondering if they successfully removed the granuloma? I had a lap 10months ago, stitches still not dissolved, I've had a constant abcess plus I've got a granuloma and umbilical hernia.