Hey, so it's been about 5 months post lap, and my belly button although healed and all okay kinda stays wet and smells a bit damp, there's no infection or inflamed or itchy and doesn't smell infected. Sorry if tmi.
It's changed shape after second lap. First lap they did an incision at the base of my belly button, which was fine. Second lap they did an incision at the top of it, well that caused a fold of skin to form, I'm okay with that but it's kind of left my belly button squashed which makes me think air isn't getting to it as well as it used to - it's healed fine without any probs. I can dry it out with a cotton bud and add talcum powder but it's just odd and annoying as it can get a little irritated if I don't dry it daily and smells kind of like damp all the time - not overpowering, just there.
Is there anything I can do? I'm not fussed about going to my GP for it as they'll just say leave it, and the fold would be cosmetic.
I'd prefer alternative / natural treatment to keep it dry / help it stay dry / stop it smelling damp. Talc works for about 12 hours, that's why I was looking into Diatomaceous Earth - we use it for lots of other stuff but never used it on sensitive areas / healing.