Hello all! I am a new member but I have been reading up on various posts before I decided to join officially.
I received a diagnosis for endometriosis on Thursday this week. This came about after having years of generalised seemingly unrelated symptoms, including unusually painful periods, severe ibs, joint pain, chest pain and a long list of other things.
I've never connected the dots before and it's dawned on me that this has been going on ever since I started my periods at 11 years old. The symptoms have become more widespread and debilitating as I've got older and now at the age of 36 I finally have a diagnosis.
The thing that got everything moving was pain when urinating which started over the past two months. I got fobbed off initially with antibiotics and told it was a UTI, despite a urine sample showing only slightly raised leukocytes. I was told to come back if the pain persisted, which it did. Luckily I ended up seeing someone who listened this time around and they referred me for ultrasound.
The US showed bilateral complex ovarian cysts, they appeared to be small at 3cm on the left and 2.5cm on the right. From there things have been moving fast after a CA125 blood test amongst many others I ended up with a fast tracked referral to the womans unit at Stepping Hill Hospital.
They initially suspected ovarian cancer and couldn't see the cysts clearly enough to make a diagnosis from the US, so booked me in for an MRI. The MRI has shown endometriomas on both ovaries, the left is enlarged at 5.6cm by 3cm and the right is oddly small at 3cm by 3cm including the endemetrioma. There is a lesion on the uterosacral ligament on the right side which appears to be touching the bowel in that area and is possibly also interferring with the ureter on that side.
The consultant (who isn't an endometriosis specialist) gave me the choice of leaving things as they are and coming back in three months or a laparoscopy with removal of the endometriosis lesions and endometriomas. They think my left ovary may have been consumed by the cyst, so this may need to be entirely removed. I have been advised that the damage could be more extensive so I may need a second op with a specialist if the consultant can't clear everything herself.
I opted for the laparoscopy which I do not have a date for yet, along with a mirena coil to slow down regrowth. After so many years of pain I am fairly desperate to just get this looked at properly.
Unfortunately I've got a long history of very bad reactions to hormonal birth control. It's been ten years since I stopped using systemic birth control after femodette almost drove me to commit suicide. I have bipolar 2 which is under control these days and I seriously fear that any hormonal treatment will really set me back. I very nearly burst into tears as soon as the combined pill was mentioned. Is there any way to just have the laparoscopy and no hormonal treatment or will this render the op pointless? The consultant advised that I had to have follow up continual hormonal treatment in order for the op to have any lasting effect.
I have other symptoms (extreme fatigue, chest pain and RA symptoms in my hands) which I need addressing and I don't know if I should have discussed these with the consultant or if I am best telling my GP.
I'm feeling overwhelmed by all of this at present and just need to tell someone.