Burning sensation post Laporoscopy & abla... - Endometriosis UK

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Burning sensation post Laporoscopy & ablation

Ginge32 profile image
9 Replies

Hi All

So I finally had my laparoscopy about 10 days ago, where endometriosis was found (alas I’m not imagining it all!!) and they carried out ablation.

The first couple of days I was tender but generally ok. I then came on my period which was horrific but as to be expected I guess.

Since my period has finished I have had the worst bloating (I literally can’t get my trousers past my abdomen), intense and tender pain and burning sensation in my bladder. My wee is very dark and stinks tbh!

I am struggling to get to sleep because every position is either uncomfortable or painful so I’m exhausted the next day.

I’m supposed to be going back to work in three days - I literally cannot imagine getting on a train and doing an 8 hour day when I can barely get out of bed today!!

Is how I’m feeling normal?

Has anyone else experienced this?

Unfortunately I was so out of it when my consultant came to see me after surgery that I don’t know where the endometriosis was or how severe yet but due to see him on Wednesday.

Thanks xx

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Ginge32 profile image
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9 Replies
luthien profile image

Hey, ah sorry you're feeling so horrible.

Yeah it's normal, and a bit rubbish :( I think for the first three weeks I wore baggy trousers; the palazzo style elastic waist type ones with a tunic top to cover the bloatedness, works because it's summer!

The wee - not sure I had that but only the first few days. Dark and smelly usually means it's concentrated but in terms of post operation it'll be getting rid of all the toxins, anaesthetic, dead cells while it's healing. So drink lots of water - small sips means it'll be absorbed, yeah it'll make you wee more but hopefully it'll be less smelly / burny. You could try the cystitis sachets - any brand, they work well even if you don't have cystitis, as they balance the urine pH. But keep an eye on it; may be worth going to the GP and booking an appointment to check your urine for infection.

It'll be exhausting - that's the bit which got to me, I needed more time off work to recover - that just takes all your energy away.

It's good that you have your consultant appointment on Wednesday, will you expected back at work the next day? If you're not ready, then you need to give yourself more time, from experience don't go to work and try then need to be off again. Get your consultant to "extend" your sick note, explain all you've said to him / her, they usually are happy to extend it. From a work HR point of view it'll look better and still be classed as post op. I needed mine extended twice, so totalled 5 to 6 weeks off for my second lap. Plus it'll annoy work less as they know you're signed off; you don't want to go back in and then go through the stress of self certifying for 5 days, plus it then counts as another sickness instance - certified sickness is exempt.

Your next few periods may be a bit horrible - so take the time to explain this to work. If you have a good consultant they may write a letter to work / your GP explaining that, which you can use to explain future illness / time off for recovery.

Hope the next few days rest help xx

Ginge32 profile image
Ginge32 in reply to luthien

Thanks for coming back to me and really appreciate your help on the wee front!!!

I’m due back to work on Thursday and can not imagine being up early doors and doing an 8 hour day in a high pressure finance environment when I’m struggling to get around my house!! Also not sure I can wear a tracksuit and slippers to work!!

I guess I will have to see what happens when I see the consultant xx

riddo11 profile image
riddo11 in reply to Ginge32

Hey, I had my lap just over 2 wks ago. I had 2 weeks signed off but really didn't feel ready. I spoke to my GP and she was very happy to extend my sick note. If you make it clear you don't feel ready and need more time off, they will do a sick certificate for you without push back. I work in HR and never heard any employees have difficulties getting one. I agree with Farahziye, it is far better to have your sick note extended then to go back and have to go off sick later.

I was like you, awful swelling from day 7 to day 11 but it has got a little easier now and feel that I can at least wear normal clothes now if I had to. Luckily my boss has agreed for me to work from home until I feel a bit more mobile. Not sure where you are based but I have ordered a "please offer me a seat" badge from TFL for when I get the train eventually. I ordered it online and it came very quickly, you don't even need to provide any proof of your health condition.

Hope you feel better soon :)

Ginge32 profile image
Ginge32 in reply to riddo11

Thank you for coming back and nice to hear from a HR perspective too 😊

I guess I’m so used to being dismissed when I don’t feel well, I feel like I have to prepare before going to see a doctor now! X

Brambledoggy profile image

Hello there. On Wednesday ask him why he only ablated and didn’t carry out full deep excision surgery with cold scissors to completely obliterate any lesions he found. Your endometriosis is very likely to still be there. It’s not my intention to scare you and going forward you might be okay, but read my profile and my posts for my experience from 17 to now aged 48. I was ablated too you see. I’d hate your pain journey to be anything like mine and feel so frustrated on your behalf. And I hope you feel better sufficient enough for you to be able to reply. I’d be fascinated by his response, would it be ok for you to reply and let me know. Sending love and support. ❤️

Ginge32 profile image
Ginge32 in reply to Brambledoggy

Hello thank you for coming back to me.

Don’t worry - I know you’re not trying to scare me, this forum has literally saved me during the past 6 months. It’s the only place I can be open and honest and not be told “try not to worry” or “I’m sure you’ll be fine” - honestly people think that’s the end of it now and I’m so annoyed and having to say that’s not how it works!! Xx

The good thing about having this time is I am able to write down all my questions and I will add that to the list - of course I shall come back to you and let you know.

Brambledoggy profile image
Brambledoggy in reply to Ginge32

This forum is excellent isn’t it? Endo is so isolating. And being here you can find support. Have you looked on Instagram at the # with endometriosis links. They’re very useful. I’ve recently massively educated myself so much more. Boy if I knew at 17 what I know at 48. Surgery isn’t a cure all, especially ablation because the surgeon hasn’t addressed the lesions properly. If you’re resting and want some information have a look at Dr Seckin’s website and his Instagram pages. There’s SO much misinformation around. Even my so called endometriosis specialist said he couldn’t “feel” my endo on a vaginal examination. Upon laparoscopy my endo was everywhere!!! I was so confused then but now I’m mainly just frustrated and furious! Deep excision surgery. It’s the only way to go. Please do look at his website if you REALLY want to know what’s what. Good luck with recovery.

Rest. Rest. Rest. There’s only one you. 😊

Ginge32 profile image
Ginge32 in reply to Brambledoggy

A year ago I would not have believed that I would be here in a forum looking for and hopefully giving others support. But it has been good for me to find others who know what I’m going through and can give helpful advice and support.

My family and friends try but unless you’re going though it, it’s hard to understand.

Thanks for the recommendations, I will have a read 😊

I shall keep you all updated xx

Ginge32 profile image

Hi All,

Thought I would get round to the update I said I’d give.

When I went back to see the consultant he said the grading was low and the endo was present between my uterus and vagina - but did not necessarily correlate with the severity of my symptoms. He said with that in mind that is why they chose ablation as oppose to excision surgery, and that excision in lower grade could do more damage than good.

In his experience he said he had never had any issues with working this way.

Obviously I am not an expert on this side of things, so I guess I will have to see what happens next.

Otherwise I was given antibiotics for a suspected water infection for the funny wee which seems to have cleared up. Although can’t deny I’m not frustrated at being shoved back on antibiotics again having spent the best part of 4 years self prescribing them for water infections which didn’t actually exist!

I actually had the worst pain of my life this weekend, so not sure if this is my body adjusting (delusional perhaps? Desperate for sure!) or endo coming back with a vengeance!

I guess I’ll have to wait and see xx

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