I'm very new to all this and am in need of some advice. My gynae consultant thinks I probably have endometriosis. I'm taking Microgynon to try to treat the symptoms and if this doesn't improve things they are going to do a laperoscopy.
My questions is this. Having read up on endo I found that a lot of my symptoms were listed (in fact the first time I read a list of endo symptoms I felt like I was reading about myself, it all fit perfectly with the problems that I have)! However, I am unclear as to whether one of my symptoms is linked to endo - every time I go through my pill cycle (I take them 3 packs at a time) I start to get a soreness/burning sensation just inside my vagina, sometimes also around my bum, and in my bladder/urethra. This usually starts at the end of my pill free week and goes on for about 7-10 days. This is also the time when sex is most uncomfortable.
Does anyone else have this problem? I'd be really grateful for any advice or support as I need to decide along with my consultant whether to go ahead with a laperoscopy and would like to be as informed and confident about the decision as possible before putting myself through surgery.