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Tips and advice for newbies about to undergo laparoscopy - what to expect and recovery (please add your experiences to share knowledge)

Catness profile image
24 Replies

Hi everyone,

Hope you're all as comfortable as possible today. I thought I would share this thread as I have answered questions about the first lap a few times now and thought it would be fab if we had a dedicated post where we can all share our tips and knowledge of laps and recovery for any newbies wanting some reassurance and pointers. Please share your tips and advice in the comments :)


Spend some time in the days before your op packing your hospital bag and also arranging some nice things in easy-reach for when you get home.

Think about what you might like to do to amuse yourself before you go down to theatre. I find I am always a little too jittery for reading but I like looking at pictures and so may take a Vogue or something to flick through. Audiobooks or podcasts are also good so it may be a nice exercise in the days before to have a look through the online books and podcast libraries to find something you really enjoy. I also quite like cross stitch so would recommend this or any kind of little craft where you can keep your hands busy. Anything that you can amuse yourself for a few hours quietly that isn't too stimulating and keeps your mind calm and positive.

I get quite sensitive to all the hustle and bustle of the hospital so ear buds or headphones are quite nice to cut this out when I just need a few minutes or even an eye mask if you wanted to try and have a pre-op snooze.

In the hospital bag I STRONGLY recommend some big old Bridget Jones style knickers and sanitary towels of your choosing, though I advocate for a brand like Yoni which you can get in Sainsburys which is organic cotton and chemical/fragrance free. You ABSOLUTELY will wake up with a megalodon of a sanitary towel put unceremoniously between your legs (the thing has its own gravitational pull - it's that large) and I have always found being able to change into something familiar and more discreet just makes me feel a little better and like I am in control.

Slippers and comfy clothes/ PJs is a must!

Also ensure you know what's what with your pre-op instructions concerning food and drink times (when you need to stop eating and drinking by the night before the op) and that you know how you're getting there and where you're going. Anything that can stop any stress on the day is a great thing.


This may change depending on if you're NHS or private but having had laps both privately and NHS I'll try to summarise my experience. Usually on the NHS you will arrive at the time on your letter to hospital and get taken onto the ward, introduced to the nurses and shown your bed. Privately you will sign in at the hospital reception and get taken to the ward and shown your own bedroom with ensuite.

Once here the nurses will go through your file about 3 million times and ask the same ol' questions until blue in the face. They will make sure you have stuck to the fasting instructions and check any allergies you may have. They will also take your blood pressure, check a urine sample, temperature etc. multiple times.

Usually your consultant and the anaesthetist will come round prior to the op to see you (NHS and Private). The consultant will go through the procedure with you and ask you to sign a consent form. The anaesthetist will ensure you are fit for surgery and discuss any concerns you may have about being put to sleep or if you are anxious. I *believe* it is the anaesthetist who can prescribe a sedative should you be really anxious pre-surgery.

Once all this has been done it's a waiting game until you get called. It is quite usual that you will be waiting a fair few hours unfortunately which is why I suggest having a few things to do. Although you will be told where you are on the theatre list to get a rough time of when you will go down, if there are any complex cases beforehand this may get pushed back. The nurses should keep you informed of this.


There are a number of us on here who love being put to sleep but it can be a bit of a worry, particularly if you have never undergone this before so it thought I would share my experience of it.

As I've said it is usual that the anaesthetist will come round to see you pre-op to go through the procedure and medical history - in my experience they are always lovely! When it is time for your surgery you will walk down to theatre with a nurse and meet the anaesthetist and his team in a small room just off the theatre. They will ask you to lay down on a bed and prepare to put you to sleep, all the while chatting to you and making you feel at ease. Every time I’ve been put to sleep they have put some drugs through the canula in my hand which feels cold as it goes in and up your arm but I never found it painful, this always makes me feel a little heavy. They will put a face mask on you and ask to count back from ten / I don’t think I’ve ever got farther than 8, although the stubborn in me sure has tried to get to 1! This whole process from getting to the room to being put to sleep takes around 10-15 minutes. Next thing you know you will be getting woken up in recovery by a lovely nurse (recovery nurses are THE best) who will look after you as you come round from surgery. It literally feels like you are out for a second.


Recovery nurses are wonderful and I have only got nice things to say about them. You will stay in recovery (a large but quiet ward where patients are brought to come out of anaesthetic) for as long as needed until your pain levels are stable and to make sure you don't feel nauseous. They are very attentive and just want to make you feel as comfortable as possible, monitoring you and taking your readings. If you are in pain they will administer pain medication and the same if you feel sick. Their job is to get you feeling as well as possible - relatively speaking - until you go back to the ward/ your room.


Depending on if you went NHS or private will all depend on if you get taken back to a ward or your own private room. In any case once you are back the nurses will want to get you eating and drinking as soon as possible and will monitor your weeing like little nurse-hawks. If you are having trouble weeing don't worry, they can help you so no stress :) Sometimes you may have to spend the night in hospital - this happens particularly if you are later on the theatre list or perhaps your op was bigger than expected. Nobody *likes* staying in hospital but the nurses will look after you and if you need something to help you sleep they will be able to give you something. Providing you can wee and have eaten something and feel okay it's time to go home.


I recommend taking a pillow to hospital or to ask whoever is collecting you to bring one so that you can put the pillow between your tummy and the seatbelt on your drive home. Your tummy will be uncomfortable and having something soft will cushion the drive a little. It may also be nice to ask them to bring a bottle of water for you and I always like a blanket... but i'm a sensitive soul so that one is up to you ;)

Gather some things you like for the immediate few days at home post-surgery. Chances are you will be quite raw and groggy and won't want to move about too much to find nice things to do. I like to choose some DVDs I would like to watch and put them in easy-reaching distance and a nice pile of books. Have a flick through Netflix and see if there is a bingeworthy series up. Anything that you can look forward to.

It's worthwhile to think about food in the week post-op. The anaesthetic and the pain medication often cause constipation and so I recommend not eating anything stodgy until your first bowel movement, drinking lots of water and upping your fruit and veggies. Before you are discharged ask for a stool softener to take such as Laxido or Lactulose that can make that first bowel movement easier and ease any pressure on the tum. Please do not strain to try and force the bowels to move... from personal experience I can confirm this just isn't the thing to do. Rather have the softener, eat fibre like it's going out of fashion and stay hydrated. If you haven't managed to 'go' after 4 days always good to ring the ward just to check and put your mind at ease if you're stressed but 4 days I think it about average until you can 'go'.

Something that can come as a bit of a surprise post-op is the trapped gas pain you may experience in your shoulders or under your ribs. This is the gas they fill your abdomen with in order for them to see better and it takes a number of days to disperse. Rest assured as uncomfortable as it can be it will pass and gradually with each post-op day should get less. It usually takes around 4-7 days for it to go completely. Peppermint tea or capsules really helps to disperse the gas as does little walks around the house whenever you feel able. If the pain is quite trying try not to stress as you will clench up, rather try to stay as relaxed as possible and test sleeping propped up on a pillow as sometimes going from completely horizontal to vertical can make this discomfort worse.

SWELLY-BELLY! This is totally normal and your tum will be very swollen probably for 2-3 weeks. It's always good to be prepared for this and have clothes ready that aren’t constricting in any way (I like dresses because of this reason) and leggings with a high waist band that isn’t too tight. If after a couple of weeks there is no sign that your own swelly belly isn't going down then it's worth a call to the ward to just make sure everything is okay.

The post-op blues. SO COMMON! Please don't feel silly if you are a little up and down in the old emotion department after your lap. Post-op blues are experienced by many people and it can be quite unexpected. Just try and stay in as-positive-a-mindset as possible. You will get better but you need to give yourself time to heal. This is completely normal!

In regards to healing. Best not to put too many expectations on yourself such as you *should* be feeling better by this date. Everyone is different and bodies heal at different rates. I usually take 2 weeks to feel better in myself but 6 to feel totally back to normal. By week 3 I can usually leave the house to do a few errands. Others will bounce back a lot quicker (maybe 2). But don’t overdo it. Round about 2 weeks off work/ uni/ life is about right, but 3 is more realistic. If you can manage sooner that's fab and if you need more time that's okay too. Remember, just because outside the incisions are tiny doesn't mean it's the same inside. Your body will have experienced a trauma and will take as long as it needs to heal :)

If you need to change your dressings after a few days it can be a little unsettling to see the surgical sites for the first time... especially the belly button. Please don't worry... your belly button will resume looking normal again once you are healed and not the angry little weird thing it looks like straight after surgery.

MANAGING PAIN - My best advice would be to take your painkillers regularly as opposed to chasing the pain when it comes on. This way you will be far more comfortable and your body won’t have to catch up.

Some of us (myself included) hate taking pain killers but it's just not worth it in the first week or so to try and brave it out so if you can, take your pain killers and help your body ease back into wellness.

If possible have someone at home to help you for a few days. It’s just a lot easier if you don’t have to worry about cooking or fixing yourself a meal as those first couple of days can be a little disorientating and tough. Also it’s just nice to be looked after for a bit!

Also try and remember to ask when you are being discharged if you will need a check up with a nurse for wound care, and whether you arrange this or if the hospital does and also when your post-op check up will be and who arranges this. Better to have this info ASAP so you know where you stand with everything. Your nurses should give you information on post-op wound care and a number to call if you suspect that you may have an infected wound site.

If in the first week or so you feel that something doesn't feel right ALWAYS either call the ward or the GP. Chances are it's nothing to worry about but it's always better to be safe than sorry :)

I hope you find some of that helpful and very best of luck with your lap. I really encourage anyone who has experience of laparoscopies to comment down below and perhaps if I can edit this post I will keep it updated as I am sure others will have some great tips too.


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Catness profile image
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24 Replies
Kathb0 profile image

Hi, Thank you for the advice above.

I have recently had my appointment with gynae. I wasn't in there long. Had a brief chat about symptoms and was asked if I'd heard of endo. Obviously I have and have done my research.

I was told there are two options. Either having a laparoscopy or taking the pill for 6 months to see if it alleviates symptoms which could indicate endo. I decided to go for the lap as I waited for such a long time to be referred in the first place.

I was wondering, would a laparoscopy only be suggested because they suspect it's endo? Or just generally to rule out other things? I do have the majority of the symptoms and have always suffered bad with pain and heavy periods. For the last few years now the pain had steadily got worse.

I happy to go ahead with the laparoscopy as at least I will know and get some answers. I'm really stressing about it though.

I have been asked about the coil and agreed to having one put in the same time as the surgery. As the appointment was short I didn't really give it much thought. And after having a think about it, I'm not sure I should go for the coil after reading negative experiences. Do you have any suggestions on this?

I've already signed a consent form and I do feel very nervous. I know my anxiety will build up as the time gets nearer.

Have you ever had any complications during the surgery? This is one thing that bothers me the most above all. I'm not as bothered about the recovery as I just expect it to be like having a horrendous period. And I'm used to having those! So I just think I will deal with another!


Catness profile image
Catness in reply toKathb0

I recently wrote a post about my experience with the coil which I’ve linked above. If that link doesn’t work however please look at my posts and you will find it :)

I’m not medically trained but I think they must have to suspect endo in order to suggest a lap.

I’ve had 6 laps and 5 have been absolutely fine. This 6th lap I’ve been dealing with some post op complications but I don’t think it’s related to what they did in surgery. I’m currently being investigated for an autoimmune flare from illnesses I already had xxx

Kathb0 profile image
Kathb0 in reply toCatness

Thank you for your reply. I think I have read your post on the coil. I don't know if I should try it and see how it goes or just don't have one at all.

My moods are already low and I'd hate to feel worse off for having one. That's what puts me off. Xx

Catness profile image
Catness in reply toKathb0

You must do what’s right for you but I would strongly suggest if your mood is already low the coil may not be for you :( xxx

Kathb0 profile image
Kathb0 in reply toCatness

I'm siding more on you with that ha ha! I mean I'm ok mood wise, for some of the month anyway, but I know when im hormonal and I do have moments where I get very emotional, and I get anxious and feel exhausted then my moods feel worse. It's horrible. 😔

I've not been taking anything hormone wise. The GP has tried to get me on the pill or to have the coil when I've been to see them. And each time I've refused it thinking I will go away and think about it. But I've not come to a decision. I thought I'd just go with the coil while talking to the gynae while I was agreeing to the lap. But I wasn't really thinking about it. I really don't know. I hopeless at making decisions!


Bellabellaboo profile image

Thanks for tips and hints! Mine is next Thursday and I just want to cancel...I am not handling the nerves and anxiety at all!!! I am petrified

Catness profile image
Catness in reply toBellabellaboo

It’s totally normal to be so nervous but try and remember what it took to get to this point if you cancelled, better to know what’s going on so you can start healing 😊 xxx

Bellabellaboo profile image
Bellabellaboo in reply toCatness

Thank you! I am in a slightly different boat as I have no pain or symptoms...I have had repeated IVF failure so they want to see what is going on...going in perfectly healthy and pain free and coming out feeling worse! They may find something and hopefully this on top of the D&C will help us conceive!

Thecraftyadder profile image

Just to add to your great post as this frequently gets asked, yes you can have your laparoscopy if you are on your period! Just tell the nurses who are very kind about it. You'll probably get to wear your knickers and towel down to theatre for last minute removal ha ha.

And if you get bad shoulder tip pain after surgery then sleep more upright on a mound of pillows and cushions :)

Catness profile image
Catness in reply toThecraftyadder

Yes! Good point about periods and laps!

Queenie73 profile image

I am currently in bed, having had a lap on Saturday evening (turned out not to be endo but did had adhesions that needed to be relieved). Peppermint tea and pain meds a big help and lavender oil for pillow and mixed with coconut oil for wounds. For me a long silky nightie also helps, I felt pretty, despite not showering for 48 hours, and it’s soft against my belly. Also Netflix (no laugh out loud comedies-laughing a no-no) and ice cream for my sore throat.

Introuble82 profile image
Introuble82 in reply toQueenie73

Dear, what is your symptoms for adhesions? May i know? do you have a constant pain?

Queenie73 profile image
Queenie73 in reply toIntrouble82

Very similar to endo, sex painful with bleeding after, dragging feeling in lower left side and very painful periods with upset stomach during period. Also nothing showed on scans.

Bluebird23 profile image
Bluebird23 in reply toQueenie73

Hi. Sorry to jump in, just wondering what caused your adhesions? Previous surgery? I ask as I'm meant to be having a diagnostic lap for similar symptoms.

Queenie73 profile image
Queenie73 in reply toBluebird23

Don’t know yet, my follow up appointment with gynae is in early July and was barely awake when he saw me after the op.

Have looked up other causes on the nhs internet and these include infections, diverticulitis and pid. As my mum has diverticulitis and I have symptoms of IBS then I’d hazard a guess.

Update - 10 days post op and was feeling breathless so boosted iron rich foods and feel a bit better, tried half day today at desk job but not ready for full day yet.

Mparstoy profile image

Thank you for your input, lovely! As for pre-op prep, what I may suggest is not for everyone or you may think it is not for you, but want to give it a try. You just never know.

What does it mean for you to prepare your spirit for an op? For me it is about feeling and believing that this operation is going to be healing. For me this entails breathing, relaxing, and meditating. This prepares the psyche for what is to come, predisposing it trust. To trust the decision you've made, to trust your doctor and the nurses, to trust that your body has the capacity to heal and that it wants to heal.

Start by getting into a comfortable position and closing your eyes. Breathe deeply and slowly. Send out a message to the universe of what you want to happen. Visualize the experience. Imagine the doctor operating on you, every tissue, cyst and lesion is removed safetly. Visualize your recuperation as a quick painless process and finally visualize yourself healed.

Breathe deep and in every exhalation imagine that your fears, your anxiety and concerns are released from your body. Find a place of peace within. A place where there is light and Hope and where there is no pain and no disease.

Remember you are never alone in this process.

Repeat this type of meditation process of relaxation as many times as you'd like as many times as you need

With kindness

Catness profile image
Catness in reply toMparstoy

So important! Yes great tip xx

Bellabellaboo profile image
Bellabellaboo in reply toMparstoy

Thank you for this! I have mine on 20th June and I am suffering from such bad anxiety in the lead up!

dixxx profile image

Make sure you have peppermint tea for after ur op it helps relieve the shoulder tip pain xx

Ej19 profile image

Baby wipes when you're just not able to shower yet! I also had a bad sore throat for 48 hours afterwards so ice cream and sorbet were helpful. I was absolutely petrified in the lead up to my first one 5 days ago but the staff were brilliant and really put me at ease! Good luck everyone.

Nailana profile image

I'm six days post op and have tremendous bruising appearing on my left side and lower abdomen. Is this normal?

Bellabellaboo profile image
Bellabellaboo in reply toNailana

Yes! I am 6 days too and my tummy is a lovely shade of green and yellow from bruising! I feel very bruised internally as well- feel like I have been punched in the belly a few times!

MelancholyMe profile image

Thank you so much for the post. This has relieved a lot of anxiety for me, having surgery in two weeks and not knowing what to expect. I’ve been quite nervous, especially after finding out that my doctor is considering taking my right ovary depending on how it looks once they’re inside. Has had me quite gutted. But honestly, the care you put into laying everything out step by step is so, so kind of you and I could not be more appreciative.

Catness profile image
Catness in reply toMelancholyMe

Sweet you’re so welcome! If it even helps one person that’s brilliant 😊 please let us know how it all goes! Xxx

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