Bit of an awful question but just curious. How soon after my laparoscopy can I have sex???
Sex after lap: Bit of an awful question but... - Endometriosis UK
Sex after lap

Hey, I would recommend 6 weeks. That’s what I have always been told after my laps
I was told a few weeks after the op by my gynaecologist.
This isn’t an awful question! My doctor didn’t give me any advice. I think I waited about 2-3 weeks but I’d say whenever you feel ready.
I was told to wait 6 weeks, I luckily didn't have much pain during sex to begin with and all was fine after that waiting period
My post lap discharge notes when I went privately said 7 days to two weeks, to allow things to heal inside so that it reduces the risk of infection, but also to pay attention to your body as it could be a bit achey for a while.
I managed a week lol! But it's an essential part of our relationships closeness if you get what I mean.
Just make sure your partner goes easy and doesn't put too much weight on your incisions, so no energetic stuff lol! xx
We are ttc. My consultant told me to start having sex as soon as I felt ready but to wait at least 24 hours, I actually laughed out loud when he said that! We waited about a week I think but would've waited longer if I hadn't felt ready.
I waited just over a week! Boyfriend took it easy though as I think he was worried 😅 that was the part I was too embarrassed to ask my gynae!