How long would you guys recommend waiting before having sex again ?
I’m having my Laparoscopy tomorrow and just wondering how long the wait would be till it’s okay to have sex ?
How long would you guys recommend waiting before having sex again ?
I’m having my Laparoscopy tomorrow and just wondering how long the wait would be till it’s okay to have sex ?
It depends from person to person, how you feel, how the op went, how much you can move around, how rough / calm the sex is, size of his *ahem*, how often you usually do things. It all matters.
I was okay enough after 5 days (lap and removal of endo), but I couldn't do anything overly active, and thing had to be a little slower. The lovemaking is an essential part of us and our relationship so we both need that closeness. There was an amount of hesitation from my husband as he was worried he'd hurt me, so we went with I'd let him know if something didn't feel right. Back to normal three weeks later.
I guess it also depends if they did anything vagina / cervix / uterus inside as that will be in direct contact or close to.
Some women it can take months for them to feel able to, especially if it was painful before, or they simply don't feel that way.
I think will depend on whether it’s just a diagnostic laparoscopy or operative laparoscopy ( ie they found endo and treated it) to how long it takes you to recover. Just because incisions are small doesn’t mean the work they do inside you is...
recovery is such an individual thing, but on my aftercare sheet, it clearly states no sex for 7 days post surgery to reduce risk of infection.
Hope that helps xoxo
Thank you! Xx
Ask your surgeon, as it varies by case. I had a lot of work in the area and he told me I had to wait for a follow up and I needed a manual exam to be sure. It was 3 months for me, but I waited longer to allow pain to settle but dyspareunia was a very bad symptom for me prior to the op.
A straightforward diagnostic only would be much less.