Hi all, I am new around here and so have many, many questions but my main one at the moment being - have any of you tried to get pregnant following diagnosis of endo?
I have been going to the doctors (various different GPs) for over 10 years with abdominal pain, discomfort, fatigue, nausea, anxiety, depression, pain with sex, extreme pain with bowel movements and just generally feeling like rubbish all the time and been fobbed off every time with different reasons. From you are stressed to you have an STI! I have finally been taken seriously after saying I am trying for a family and my periods have changed ....
After a year of waiting for appts, I had an exploratory laparoscopy and cystoscopy about 4 weeks ago. They have found endo on my bladder, adhesions, cysts and my right Fallopian tube is attached to my bowel. Believe it or not, I cried with happiness when I found out... I was tired, drugged up and relieved that I wasn’t going mad after being made to feel like I was making it all up.
Anyway, I have since had an MRI and now have an appt with the consultant in Feb but what I would like to know is, should I continue to avoid having unprotected sex? I feel so angry and frustrated that I have got to the age of 34 only to be told I have this chronic disease that could affect my fertility. If I did happen to get pregnant that would be amazing and the endo treatment can wait until afterwards???? Am I being naive or is this a way I can try to take control back?
Any advice or thoughts are welcome! sorry for the long post!