Advice, personal experiences, and comments most welcome.... Apologies for the long post, but it covers my story so far to provide context.
So.... probably the same story as many of you here: I have probably had endo for a very very long time, frequent visits to doctors re bleeding and pain etc. to be told "it's just your period, have you taken some paracetamol?". I persisted and the offer of painkillers just increased to a point that they offered me oramorph (not practical as a lone parent).
Fast forward to 2020, where I had horrendous and constant pain, along with a host of other problems. NHS wasn;t doing much so I paid for a private scan, only to find a 10cm endometrioma on my left ovary. GP put me on a waiting list.... In the meantime I managed to see a private consultant who almost immediately diagnosed me with endometriosis. I booked in for a see-and-treat lap to confirm and excise - turns out I was riddled.
Post op (early 2021), felt like the world had suddenly become technicolour, life was like a Disney movie and I actually realised how awful my day-to-day existence had been.... I was cured!!! 🙌 Well, for a while at least.
Unfortunately, the endo came back (booo 👎). I went to see the consultant again who prescribed me Dienogest. This helped a little but was nowhere near comparable to the post-lap life.
Since then I have moved to an area where they are not able to prescribe the Dienogest, so was sent to gynae to look at other options.
As of December 2023, I have been put on GnRH (Triptorelin) with add back (Tibolone) and frankly I am wondering where this merry-go-round of feeling dreadful stops?! 🤯
My day-to-day quality of life is not good at all. I have had to leave my job, my social life is non-existent, my love life.... welll......... ☠️
Granted, the extreme pain is less but low-level pain still very much present, find I am snappy, sooooo extremely tired, not feeling myself at all, and wondering what the hell am I am doing to myself?!
Am I better off just dealing with the day to day endo symptoms and flare ups? Because at least I knew myself despite the crippling pain, or do I continue down this route on the waiting list for the hysterectomy and seal this in as my fate at 35 years old? I have never felt more hopeless about my health. I am such a strong woman, but this is truly breaking me.
If anybody has been in this situation, please please reach out. I know I am not alone.