Losing the will!: Northern Ireland Health... - Endometriosis UK

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Losing the will!

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Northern Ireland Health Care Sucks!!! Suffered with heavy, very painful cycles since as far back as I can remember and always been handed pills. No matter how often I complained, cried or tried, always pills. March 2015 I started noticing a pattern of debilitating pain more so than normal, it rotated each month. August 2017 I presented in ER after being fobbed off by nurse on call via telephone, then was fobbed off at hospital with PARACETAMOL. Back into hospital September and October and nothing. Stand in GP seen me and figured torsion and sent me with an emergency letter to ER Nov. Triage Nurse told me I was being over dramatic and everyone gets period pain... i was dosed up on kapake and naproxen and could still feel the pain. Dr in ER barely came near me, even sent me to wait in waiting area again. Gynae refused to do a scan citing paperwork as her main concern, but accused me of having an STD a mother of two teenager unable threw pain to do anything. And sent me home with more pills. Gp booked an emergency ultrasound which showed 7cm growth on ovary. CA125 was 115/130 and other bloods off too. Gp red flagged me an app and was seen Jan 2018. Complained in August 2018 and had app by Nov, was turned away Nov 2018 due to leg swelling and surgeon not operating after 11.30am. Told, I wouldn't be put to back of list. Nearly June 2019 now, and still not even a peep, been in hospital last month too... again no scan just ibuprofen this time even after explaining my strength of medication and the pain level.

This week, my pain is intensifying again right from left lower quadrant right down my leg, again. I feel like shit, and have to continue because I'm a bloody mum, and my kids dont deserve a sick mum. I don't want to go to hospital, its 1 in 20 now if you get a compassionate professional or one that even cares, I get it overworked and underpaid, but never heard, helped or healed is poop too!!! I am literally at the end of my tether. I'm sick of telling doctors, crying and begging for help or other treatment rather than big pharma destroying whatever insides I have left.

I asked to he referred to endocrinologist and was refused.

I have since finding the cyst been diagnosed with:

*suspected pcos (doctor)

*allegedly stage four endometriosis (doctors word)

*diabetes type 2


*practically no existent vitamin D

*folate/iron issues


*redundant colon

*bladder issues

All within the period I've waited for this cyst to be removed. I used to be fit an healthy and anxiety was my biggest issue or the odd dose of the cold, in less than 5 years everything has been shattered and nothing investigated, helped or corrected. Just pills and the famous maybe losing weight will help. I don't smoke, drink, and eat as superbly healthy as I can, I eat as natural as possible 2% processed if that. I've gained 5 stone since being sick and unable to do certain things.

Please can someone tell me that this wait is worth it? That they too waited this long? Or if I should push harder for hysterectomy at 33 with two teens?

I can't afford private (believe me I wish I could) have been referred to a general surgeon only a year older than me and I utterly feel let down by the system, no ones even asked about other symptoms, issues, or even reassed bloods etc. Every time the pains 8+ my kids are freaked, my life is at a standstill and I'm petrified. I managed daily at a 5 pain but I shouldn't have to or anyone else for that matter.

I'm sorry, i literally have no one that understands and no medical team that listens nor even notices anything.

Any advice, tips, help or just similar situations would be gratefully received.

Hugs x

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Abbbb profile image

Hi Jabr007,

I'm so sorry the hell you've been living through, I honestly don't know how you are still sane.

In shirt yes the wait is worth it, the relief will be instant, however this wait is ridiculous, it just can not be right. There should be details online of your trusts acceltable waiting time, it sounds like they must be way over in your case and you have to print it off, go to your gp and ask what they can do to support you. If they dont, you need to raise a complaint directly to the trust.

The hardest thing about these conditions is the fatigue, not to mention the pain itself is exhausting. But you have to fight, you have to scream and cry and make a gp appt every darn week until they listen. Cos those kids need you.

I've had my hysterectomy at 33 but I had tried a number of other surgeries and treatments first. Hysterectomies put you into surgical menopause (if ovaries are removed) and HRT with a history if endometreosis isn't advised. It also has long term health issues to consider.

Chronic pain can make it really hard to make the right decision for you. I'm not saying a hysterectomy isnt right for you, but it sounds initially surgery removing the issues you have may reduce your pain levels enough allowing you to get the other ailments under control and put in a long term plan for the endometriosis.

I really hope you can get a surgery soon, I'm in England so no help with your trust I'm afraid, but do try and find the guidelines for expected waiting times. They should be on the NHS website for your area.

Truly I hope you have some relief soon xxx

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