Hi I've never posted before but I was just looking for some advice.
I recently had a laparoscopy and abdominal myomectomy and another procedure to thinnin the lining (Sorry can't remember the name) they removed alot of scar tissue from my abdomin. They said the scar tissue was from when i had ruptured appendix removed when I was 17 I am now 31 (I have a huge vertical scar from above the belly button to just above the bikini line) I had all procedures in the same op. It's the 2nd polyp removal in a 12 month period. The surgeon said he could not find any endometriosis. He found fibroids, polyps and a lot of scar tissue he removed polyps and fibroids and 95% of the scar tissue.
It's been almost 3 months and there's no change. The periods are not lighter still very heavy still enormous blood clots still terrible cramps still have leg pain which is now worse. when I had large polyps removed last year it at least eased up slightly they were heavy just not as painful for a few cycles before returning to living hell.
I've suffer from painful cramps, very heavy periods, leg pain, chronic anaemia to the point of passing out every now and then if I bleed too much. I've had blood transfusions and iron transfusion over the years. I take strong co codemol for pain and tranexamic acid to help with bleeding I bleed around 8 days now with the tablets instead of 12 to 14.
I live in fear of my period i can only work part time because I'm so tired or on my period or recovering. I take so much time off. Luckily I am cover by occupational health or i would have lost my current job by now. Ive lost many others because of whatever this illness is. I plan everything around it. I have even contemplated suicide over the years sometimes when the pain is at its worst. I wouldn't do it but sometimes you just feel like you can't go through it again and again cycle after cycle year after year it really get you down. I have tried the pill, the coil, the implant, the injection and they either didn't help or made it worse. I've just had enough of not knowing what's actually wrong with me. I don't know what to do next, even the surgeon is stumped and he is supposed to be a specialist! I've even been to a heomotologist specialist they said something is not quite right but again stumped they thought they have a better idea after this past surgery but no I feel like I'm going around in circles passed back and forth to different specialist for years now.
Any advice would be so appreciated. Sorry for the grammatical errors I am sure I have made. I've never posted anywhere and i hate typing. x