So long story short I've got endo, and it's now post lap so I just have endo symptoms around my periods.
We all need our comfort food during our period to help us cope. I have a reduced dairy and gluten diet, which often means comfort foods are rare. Well I've found a chocolate that's great: Doisy & Dam - 74% Dark Organic Chocolate Coconut and Lucuma. I found it in Sainsburys, I now get it on Amazon. It's vegan (dairy free), soya free and gluten free. It only contains natural ingredients; cocoa mass, cane sugar, coco butter, vanilla powder, coconut flakes, lucuma and coconut extract. I like the soya free and gluten free bit, as that's what I cut out completely during my endo flareup week.
It tastes awesome if you like the slightly raw dark chocolate and a hint of coconut, like me! If you're into milk creamy chocolates; sorry I haven't found a good alternative yet.
It is pricey, but you won't need a whole bar! I only manage about 4 pieces at once, so less than 1/5 a bar. A bar lasts over the week lol!
Anyone found a good endo week comfort food ice-cream? That's my next thing to look into.