Hi, I’m new. And I’m struggling with stuff today. What I hate most is feeling weak and whiny and a bit pathetic. I’m convinced everyone else would deal with this so much better than I am, and wouldn’t let it take over their lives.
I found out I had Endo last year during a laparoscopy to remove cysts on my ovaries. I’d hear of Endo but didn’t really know what it was. I guess a few pieces of the puzzle that is my health suddenly fell into place. And because of the diagnosis I finally got put forward for IVF treatment. Which has now been put on hold cos I need some chocolate cysts removed. I see a surgeon next month to talk about it so I’m guessing our IVF won’t get going again til next year.
Anyway, that’s not what I wanted to talk about. I’ve read that Endo comes with chronic fatigue but I’ve never really understood what that means. But I’ve been feeling really low and lethargic and zombiefied for a few weeks now. I had some blood tests done and they all came back normal. It’s not the first time I’ve been feeling rubbish and been told there’s nothing wrong. But it can’t be right to feel like this. It’s not normal. I don’t feel normal. I’ve had loads of time of sick cos of it too and my HR department aren’t the most understanding at the best of times, althoughh I must say the lovely people I work closely with have been amazing.
Long story short, im looking for some help. Understanding. Does anyone else feel like this? Breathless, headachy, bone weary and feeling a bit dim witted? I think I’m going mad and I can’t take it, there must be a reason I feel like this.
Help me please.