Hi all. I’ve recently had the laparoscopy surgery (a week ago today) and was advised to take my dressings off today. Did anyone else take their dressings off this soon? Also, how long does it usually take for the stitches to dissolve? My belly button incision looks bruised (yellow kind of colour bruising) Is this normal? Thanks in advance.
Recent Laparoscopy - Help!: Hi all. I’ve... - Endometriosis UK
Recent Laparoscopy - Help!

I had a lap last Monday and changed my dressings after 7 days. I put new ones back on for now because I can't stand looking at them and the stitches were catching on my clothes.
From my first lap last year my stitches resolved after 2 weeks or so.
My belly button also looked pretty discoloured when I changed my dressings the other day but my mum's a nurse and said it's normal. It's just where blood has dried etc.
Hope you have a good Recovery xx
Thank you so much for your reply. That’s put me at ease knowing I’m not the only one. I might have to go to the doctors and ask for dressings, I can’t stand looking at mine either!
Hope you also have a speedy recovery and again, thank you Xx
Aw no worries.
Yeh I don't think they give extra as standard but they knew my mum was a nurse so just sent me home with them. Defo ask your surgery if you want some. I'll prob have to take mine off soon anyway as airing them helps healing. X
Every thing you are experiencing is normal. Surgery’s are advised not to give out dressing for cover up as this cost the NHS a lot of money. Very similar to the paracetamol issue they have had in the past. You can get advice from your pharmacy and purchase dressings for under £1. On this site most of us have had multiple operations free of charge on the Nhs. Please consider what you can do to protect the Nhs . A doctors or nurses appointment plus a prescription to be processed via the Nhs can very costly some cases £30 plus for a dressing you can buy for under £1. Being aware of these small changes can really make a difference. This message is to educate and not cause offence.
Hey, I took my dressings off 12 hours after surgery as advised by my nurse as the incisions needed to be cleaned and start healing etc. The stitches in my bellybutton took about 5 months to dissolve but everyone is different. Bruising is normal so don’t worry, as long as your incision is not smelly or pus is coming out, you’re fine xxx
Hey I was advised to take my dressings off after 24 hours from getting home, allowing air to it as much as possible. You can put a dressing on for comfort if moving around and you don’t want it to catch on your clothes. Don’t worry to much it will look bruised and worse than it is, that’s normal, remember they’ve been moving tools around under your skin so it will be bruised and tender. Hope this helps 😊
I had dressings on for 14 days last time but had to change them every 3 days. I was given a supply of them but I went private. My stitches went after about 4 weeks except for one bit that hung on longer. I had a lot of bruising especially round the belly button. Also the iodine they swab you with is sometimes yellow so this can stay under the dressings as well. Air helps them heal but its awkward if the stiches catch on your clothes!
I was far too squeamish to change the dressings myself but I booked appointments with the practice nurse at the GP surgery. She also checked them and then removed the stubborn one which wouldn’t dissolve for me. It did give me peace of mind too I must admit.
I never even had dressings... they just kind of super glued mine shut. I'm sure you can put a gauze and bandage over top once you remove them if you don't want the areas to be exposed. But probably needs air to heal! And yes, bruising (yellow green) is normal around those areas! Hope you get to feeling better.... I'm 2 weeks out and I was a mess at one week!
I removed the outer dressing (large bandaids) 24hrs after surgery. I was advised to let the tape dressing fall off - once the edges started to curl, I pulled them off (was about 10 days). I then had the stitches removed at 2 weeks. 1 of them got caught and pulled out on its own... ouch! I had a lot of bruising around my belly button as well, some of it is still visible almost 3 weeks later!