Hello all, had my first lap yesterday, they found endometriosis and they removed it, I was feeling not too bad yesterday but today I feel like I could be in 'Walking Dead', I guess all the anaesthetic has worn off, I am on paracetamol, ibuprofen and codeine at the same time but I can barely walk I've had 2 kids (natural deliveries and I'm extremely lucky to have them) and honestly I'd rather give birth than have laparoscopy again! I have no clue how I'm supposed to change my dressings today, the plasters are so sticky and even the slightest touch of my stomach brings tears to my eyes, I actually feel faint again. Sorry for the rant, I feel sorry for myself
please tell me it gets better??
Had my first laparoscopy yesterday and I'... - Endometriosis UK
Had my first laparoscopy yesterday and I'm in a lot of pain :(

sorry to hear that Monikka, I had 2 laparoscopy last year, I was very lucky I was up and running in a few days. However, to get that you need lot of rest at first, sleep sleep sleep, I know it may not be easy with 2 kids around tho.
I was advised to change the plasters just if they were very dirty otherwise there was no need, I hate taking plasters off, so I left them for 4 days and then slowly removed them
I was on those medication as well plus antibiotics!
it will get better, promise!!
best of luck!
I was told I should remove them daily (!) to minimise the infection risk, they didn't prescribe antibiotics. I'm going to dope myself up on codeine and the rest and once they kick, I will soak the edges of the plasters and have a go- its the one next to my belly button that hurts the most I've been in bed since yesterday and I'm not moving lol unless I have to go to bathroom. My husband is off work looking after the kids and doing all the chores (makes a nice change). I can't sleep much though as every movement hurts and after laying on my back for too long it hurts as well. Feel awful and useless
Stay on your painkillers as your healing internally. I had hubby writing them all down he was feeding me, felt like a junkie.
It does get better as long as you rest. Don't move around too much and you'lll heal quicker.
It may get you down emotionally which I didn't expect so if that happens, it's completely normal.
Hugs xxxx
Thank you! I think I need stronger meds, to manage endo pain I was on 400mg ibuprofen and 30mg diahydrocodeine - after the lap they gave me the same thing + 500mg paracetamol but its not enough, my tolerance to painkillers is quite strong anyway I phoned the hospital and I explained the situation, I can't even move to change the position (I'm sitting up in bed, I can't lie down because I wont get back up again). My gynaecologist is going to see me at 1.30 today, maybe I'll get some stronger painkillers
I have my lap on Monday and felt fine... A bit achy but other than that I was ok. But over the last couple of days I've noticed bleeding so I was panicking but I read somewhere it's notmal. But I definitely feel worse the days after. I haven't been sleeping properly either... Can't manage to dose over. Have you tried ringing the doctors for info? I had to call for some dressings... As I was only given 6 but I have 4 wounds to change every 48hrs for 7-10 days... Just keep up on the pain relief... Hope you feel well soon! X
Yes I went and got stronger meds so here is hoping they will work. I think I will leave my dressing until tomorrow or even Saturday. My tummy is full of gas, can't seem to get rid of it
No I haven't Katiels3 but I've got it at home and I'll try some tonight! Thanks for the tip
Another question ladies - after the lap when they pumped my stomach with gas it looks awfully bloated, I actually look 4 months pregnant lol! When will that go down? Thanks
With regards to your dressings, after my first lap I had to change them every 3 days. But after my last lap I was told I could take the dressings off after 2 days if they weren't bleeding or weeping. So I think it depends on who is giving the advise because both times my stitches have been dissolvable ones.
When I did have to change them, I would peel a corner off and then rather then pulling the dressings I would press/pull my skin away. Found it less painful this way. I don't know why they are so sticky!!
My bloated tummy took 3 weeks to go down after the first lap. And about 2 weeks after my most recent one. Some of it will be gas but could also be a bit imflamed inside from all the poking and prodding. I hate peppermint tea so I would have wind-eze, chewable mint tablets from Boots.
Hope you have a speedy recovery x