Castor Oil Packs: Has anyone diagnosed with... - Endometriosis UK

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Castor Oil Packs

PiscesWoman profile image
41 Replies

Has anyone diagnosed with PID ever used castor oil packs to help break down scar tissue and adhesions and keep them from returning?

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PiscesWoman profile image
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41 Replies
Purplewitch18 profile image

Ive just started using them and taking serrapaptase for the last week or so. Ive noticed today there are little particles of tissue in my pee, so id say it works!

PiscesWoman profile image
PiscesWoman in reply to Purplewitch18

What would you say the particles are in your urine?

Purplewitch18 profile image
Purplewitch18 in reply to PiscesWoman

Sorry phone went haywire then 😬, looks like tiny bits of white tissue. Its been clear untill today.

PiscesWoman profile image
PiscesWoman in reply to Purplewitch18

What do you think it is?

Purplewitch18 profile image
Purplewitch18 in reply to PiscesWoman

Any dead tissue or scar tissue is what it passes out of your system, i have endo and a c section scar so it will be likely be from that.

PiscesWoman profile image
PiscesWoman in reply to Purplewitch18

Ok! Thank you! I’ll look it up!

Purplewitch18 profile image
Purplewitch18 in reply to PiscesWoman

Look up serrapaptase also if you havent already. Taking that along with castor oil packs gives much better results for most women.

Purplewitch18 profile image
Purplewitch18 in reply to Purplewitch18

But make sure if you take it its on an empty stomach, very important.

PiscesWoman profile image
PiscesWoman in reply to Purplewitch18

Thank you! Another lady told me about those 2. I’m in the US and the doctors here seem to not provide vital information of things that can help these issues. I’m thankful for this site.

Introuble82 profile image
Introuble82 in reply to Purplewitch18

can i take serra on empty stomach and drink plenty of water after that ( before eating? should be OK right? )

i usually woke up at 5am and take serra and back to sleep... and in the mean time i have to add AHCC on empty stomach too its for HPV - didnt start it yet because i scared to combine serra and AHCC together

PiscesWoman profile image
PiscesWoman in reply to Introuble82

Have you been diagnosed with HPV? That’s found during a pap

Introuble82 profile image
Introuble82 in reply to PiscesWoman

I did hystreocopy last Dec to remove endo polyps,

and DR check for my cervix and it look inflammed, did coloscopy and biopsy.

Result appear to be :

Koilocytic change/HPV effect

no CIN and no dysplasia seen

no evidence of malignancy detected

My Dr said, nothing to worry about.. ( but i WORRIED lol )

my paps smear normal

Purplewitch18 profile image
Purplewitch18 in reply to PiscesWoman

I havent got hpv so you would have to find out about combining the two. I take mine about an hour before i eat in the morning and 3 hours after i eat at night, had no problems with that. The drs here in the uk are the same, if you get diagnosed with endo they just stick you on hormones untill you reach menopause. Most of us dont want that so just researching online and asking for advice on here is how we find other treatment.

Introuble82 profile image
Introuble82 in reply to Purplewitch18

Purplewitch18 , How many pills do you take each day? 120,000cpu or more?

last week i started to take serra everyday (regulary, I TRY ) for only 1 pill of 120,000cpu. I've already finished one bottle a few month before , but i didn't take it seriously.

Purplewitch18 profile image
Purplewitch18 in reply to Introuble82

Hi, i take 80,000iu x2 twice a day. I started off with just one a day for the first few days to see if i was ok with it and i was so upped the dose. You have got to take it religiously just like any suppliment though or you wont get any benefit from it. I keep mine next to my bed so its just habit to take in the morning and the evening.

PiscesWoman profile image
PiscesWoman in reply to Purplewitch18

How long have you been taking them? Do you plan to take them forever?

Purplewitch18 profile image
Purplewitch18 in reply to PiscesWoman

Ill take them untill i hopefully get pregnant and then ill re evaluate after that.

Introuble82 profile image

Hey Dear,

I msg you earlier ( i didn't know i cant login to my username )

some link i found - just for our knowledge - they mention about castor oil in the website :)

link about serrapeptase

PiscesWoman profile image
PiscesWoman in reply to Introuble82

Thank you so much ☺️

Introuble82 profile image
Introuble82 in reply to PiscesWoman

no prob, let's try and get better!

How's your bloated? better?

PiscesWoman profile image
PiscesWoman in reply to Introuble82

Bloating is still there hoping it will go down soon. Doc said i was badly inflamed so it will take time

StefaniaJW profile image

I've never heard about castor oil packs to break down adhesions. I've always known they were very helpful against the pain, but other than being a pain-management aid, they will not help with PID.

PID requires antibiotics and surgery to get treated.

Serraptase and other enzymes such as bromelin and others found in Wobenzym can help break down adhesions as well.

Please seek immediate help to treat PID because it can lead to tubal infertility, which cannot be treated or cured in any way :(

PiscesWoman profile image
PiscesWoman in reply to StefaniaJW

I already have a tube that’s infected by it which I’m going to try to clear naturally by using the castor oil packs and Serraptase! I’ve heard about a few other Chinese remedies that may help as well.

StefaniaJW profile image
StefaniaJW in reply to PiscesWoman

Are you sure the natural remedies will be enough? If a tube is infected, an antibiotic treatment needs to be discussed asap with your gynaecologist.

Natural remedies are very helpful but may not be enough.

I encourage you to ask for medical intervention as long as there is still time

PiscesWoman profile image
PiscesWoman in reply to StefaniaJW

I’ve already been on antibiotics for the PID. They recommend IVF for the blocked tube if I don’t conceive naturally out of the healthy tube.

StefaniaJW profile image
StefaniaJW in reply to PiscesWoman

Ok. Proceed with the serraptase and go for the wobenzym as well.

Hope you can conceive naturally from your healthy tube!

Best of luck!

PiscesWoman profile image
PiscesWoman in reply to StefaniaJW

Yes i just made my order off of Amazon! Fingers crossed

introuble profile image
introuble in reply to PiscesWoman

May i know the name of your antibiotics?

PiscesWoman profile image
PiscesWoman in reply to introuble

I was on doxycycline and metrozindale

introuble profile image
introuble in reply to PiscesWoman

Ok thanks i will request it from my Dr..

Do you take both antibiotics together?

PiscesWoman profile image
PiscesWoman in reply to introuble


Lurface profile image

I’m on the same path as you all. I had mismanaged PID for 4 months: And then finally went on an extended course of doxy which made the burning stop. Since then I’ve had daily pain:

I started serrapeptase 2 months ago: worked my way up from 125k at night. Then 125 k morning and night. Then eventually 125k am and 250k at night. Pain got better but super super slow with ups and downs. I started a pain journal so I could track pattens.

I’ve been off the serrapeptase for two weeks for a dental procedure. And I feel the best I’ve felt since this ordeal began. Mild pain and some days zero pain. I think the serrapeptase definitely works, but as it’s working it does seem to cause some symptoms of its own as it cleans stuff out. When this dental stuff settles out I plan to go back on it for a few months.

PiscesWoman profile image
PiscesWoman in reply to Lurface

What symptoms do you think it caused? I’m so glad you are feeling better!

Lurface profile image

I found it to cause some level of inflammation (even though it’s anti inflammatory). My lymph system was congested during its use as well: I could feel little lumps under the skin through my pelvis. I found my pelvis and ovaries seemed to feel irritated while it worked. The more I moved around the more uncomfortable I’d be as the day wore on. But that kept getting better as the weeks passed, most common sensation was Achy/crampy/ and most times a pinching feeling everywhere in the pelvis that had the diffuse spread like pins and needles would kind of feel like? Really hard for me to describe perfectly. It wasn’t comforting though while going through it (my anxiety is/was through the roof). My experience using it was only about 2 months. I still don’t know if I’m out of the woods yet : But I ovulated yesterday and didn’t know it: which ordinarily I’m in extreme crampy pain for 3 days. So this is a good sign for me.

My symptoms may be different than others using it. But maybe that might help you if you have anything similar?

PiscesWoman profile image
PiscesWoman in reply to Lurface

O my! Please keep me posted on your journey. I’ve read some scary testimonials on Amazon that has me a little worried. A lot of women stated vomiting blood and other issues but then a lot said it helped them within months. I’m just so unsure 😐

introuble profile image
introuble in reply to PiscesWoman

I took serrapeptase every morning around 5 am, and i always woke up around 7-8am with pain on my abdomen and leg pain like period cramps and a bit of anxiety ( but im in a lot of pain to begin with before i took serrapeptase)

I didn’t feel nauseas

introuble profile image
introuble in reply to PiscesWoman

Yes i read that too, scarry but you can try on small dosages first.. like me i on 120,000spu for one pill a day

PiscesWoman profile image
PiscesWoman in reply to introuble

I just ordered. I’m going to start with 40,000 once a day and work my way up

introuble profile image
introuble in reply to PiscesWoman


How’s your recovery so far?

PiscesWoman profile image
PiscesWoman in reply to introuble

I’m doing fine! No pain

introuble profile image
introuble in reply to PiscesWoman

That’s good!

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