I have my first lap next week, I'm nervous and I feel like I lack information, in the pre op they said I'll need two weeks off work. I'm getting the mirera coil fitted too, she said she's doing key hole with treatment, and possibly open surgery, how likely is the open surgery needed? Other than baggy clothes what do I need to take with me? I live alone, I understand someone has to be with me for the first 24hours but how much help will I need after that? Any advice would be useful X
First lap : I have my first lap next week... - Endometriosis UK
First lap

I’m in the same position as you, I’m super nervous for mine and they said about putting a Mirena in while I’m out 😩 I’m sure it will be fine x
Open surgery is very very very unlikely. A lot can be done keyhole and they will come round to see you before you go down and explain about risks etc... they will only do a bigger incision if it was absolutely needed.
My first lap 6 months ago I had 2 weeks off. First week was definitely needed. Second week was more of a bonus. I was tired in the second half week and I had very little energy. I had surgery again yesterday. I had my ovary and tube removed through keyhole and they haven’t signed me off for 2 weeks this time. I am self certifying for a week and then will see how I feel. Stitches come out Wednesday so I will see how I am feeling near the end of the week.
You need someone with you for 24-48 hours after surgery. The anaesthetic is still in your system. You shouldn’t use anything like a kettle, hob or an oven etc... and definitely no driving. You will feel sore and be in pain with ribs and shoulders from all of the gas they fill you up with. You should arrange for someone responsible to be with you after surgery. You may not feel like you need it but it’s advised for a reason.
I wasn’t told I needed to take a gown and when I was there yesterday they asked where my gown was. Definitely take slippers. I had to walk down to theatre.
Take some peppermints or peppermint tea bags if you like it as it can help with the gas pain. I don’t want to scare you or anything but the pain in ribs and shoulders really bloody hurts! I am a tough cookie when it comes to pain but my goodness, the gas pain bought me to tears. It’s probably the last thing you want to be doing after surgery but standing up and walking about helps.
I hope that helps. If I can help with anything else please let me know. I was worrying over minor things the other day but I think it’s natural to worry and want to know everything.
If I don’t hear from you, good luck! I hope it all goes well.
Thank you so much, this has been very helpful and eased my mind a bit, I'll make sure to bring slippers and a gown just in case, and I hope my gas pain isn't as bad as yours was as it sounds awful. I get someone to stay with me for the 48hours then get people to check in on me after that. When you went back to work how physical could you be? As my work can be quite physically demanding climbing ladders quite often, do you think I'll be able to after 2 weeks? If I have any questions after I'll let you know.
If I am being honest, everyone is different but I was able to carry on with normal day to day life with no issues. I can’t say I climbed a ladder or anything like that. The belly button incision took the longest to heal and it was painful for ages.
I felt great after my first lap so I got up and done stuff and then it hit me like a tonne of bricks. Just make sure you rest even if you feel ok. It will make the recovery a lot easier in the long run. The tiredness affected me a lot but I’m not sure if that’s as because I wasn’t sleeping great at night 🤦🏻♀️
Just listen to what your body is telling you. Is there anything less physical you can do at work to ease yourself back in? Just take it easy, take one step at a time and you will be fine I am sure.
I’m having my lap next week too and am equally nervous. You have got some good advice here though! I work with special needs children who can be unpredictable so I’m being signed off for 4 weeks. Best of luck!
I get my first lap next week too & I am nervous, I think it’s the waiting at the hospital that will send my blood pressure through the roof x
Good luck, I'm sure it will be fine, did you get a morning appointment? X
I’m going to try and get my teeth into a really good book to take with me that I don’t want to put down for a good distraction.... I’ve just started ‘why mummy drinks’ which I think will do the trick, it’s hilarious!