I've found that a lot of people on this site would advise a laparoscopy. I know everyone is different, but I've heard of people still having pain after a lap, or getting worse pain. And people have suggested to go with a specialist.
I haven't even been diagnosed properly with endo, because I haven't had a lap. My gynaecologist told me not to have one, but I've decided I want to at least get this thing properly diagnosed, so then I can do something about it. I don't just want to cover up the problem with tablets.
So I'm going to my gp on Monday to get his opinion on it and I will be asking him loads of questions. The uncertainty of things worry me, and if something is inevitable, I'd rather know and have time to mentally prepare myself. I hope I'm not put off by any replies I get, but these are the questions I have so far...
1) Is there anything you have to do before surgery? Any prep?
2) Will you be totally unconscious for the surgery? Or will you be awake with the area being numb?
3) Do you have an injection in your tummy to numb the area? (Makes me uneasy just thinking about that.)
4) Do they make just a small incision below the belly button?
5) How long does the surgery take?
6) If they do find endo in there, will they take it out there and then? Or will I need a second surgery?
7) What does it feel like when you come round after surgery?
8) How long do you have to stay in hospital for? Do they keep you in overnight after the surgery?
9) How long does the incision area hurt for?
10) How long do you keep the stitches in before they take them out?
11) Do you have to take any tablets after the surgery to fight infection? And how long for?
I think that's all my questions for now.