Hiya Everyone.
I am 3 days out of having laparoscopic surgery done on my abdomen. I am still very sore, swollen and bloated. Also I have a very sore throat from having a tube down my throat.
They have made two incisions 1 on my left hand side of my abdomen and 1 inside my belly button.
I took off my surgical plasters yesterday. 1) because it was really itchy. 2) I was told by my nurse that it would be ok to take my plasters off on day 2.
She also told me that if either of my incisions look gunky or pusey to cover them up and keep them dry but otherwise I should be OK without them covered.
I had a shower yesterday and noticed that I have quite a bit of dried blood and my belly button looks moist. But I don't know if this is normal or not.
Also how do I go about cleaning my incisions inside my belly button???
Because I don't want to use a cotton bud inside of my belly button (just in case I disturb the stitches and make it worse. So I used the shower head to squirt some water in there to try to clean it but it didn't work.
Can sometimes please give me some advice on how to clean my belly button incision. Thank you in advance.
Paige. Xxx