Recovery from laparoscopy: Hello, I am new... - Endometriosis UK

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Recovery from laparoscopy

emilymac7 profile image
8 Replies


I am new to this forum and still learning about endometriosis. Last Friday I had a laparoscopy, and the surgeon was meant to talk to me afterwards about recovery time, however, my laparoscopy got pushed to much later on in the day. By the time I came round only the night nurses were on shift and they couldn't give me any information about recovery time or what had been found during the laparoscopy. Before the surgery I was told roughly (I know everyone heals at different rates) a week if it is straight forward. During the laparoscopy they found patches of endometriosis on the outside of the uterus which they got rid off. Also found adhesions connecting my uterus to my bowels, they didn't manage to get rid of all of this. They also found I have pelvic congestion.

I don't know because I have had treatment I should expect a longer recovery time? I've rang the gynaecology ward and they said see how I feel and I've spoken to my GP who said I should seek advice from someone in gynaecology to how long the normal recovery time is for treatment, so I rang the ward back and they said it is down to me, but I am completely new to this and would like some guidance. So I feel a bit lost as to whether I should go back to work next week. I work in a lab so am on my feet and active for most of the day. I can walk around fine, I have a stinging pain a bit like stitch in my waist from time to time and when I stretch it hurts just below where the incisions. I feel okay and can do stuff around the house fine but I'm not on my feet moving all the time like I would be at work.

I was wondering how long it took people to recovery and if this pain a week afterwards is normal? Thanks for any help in advance, I am so happy to find this group as I feel totally lost without any help from the hospital or my GP and my follow up appointment is in 4 months. Also is the adhesions anything to worry about?

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emilymac7 profile image
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8 Replies
luthien profile image

Hey, sorry you've not had much support after your lap.

You should have been signed off sick post operatively for a minimum of a week, a maximum of two. Have you been given a sick note?

Usually most people need two to three weeks recovery post op for a laparoscopy involving treatment of endo. You may feel physically and emotionally drained around the third week.

For my first lap (diagnostic and removal of endo plus unsticking organs) I was signed off for two weeks and then self certified for a further week. For my second lap (removal of endo on the bowel) I was signed off for two and went back to my GP whom signed me off for a further three weeks - it was more invasive so recovery was taking longer.

You're going to be recovering from the op for about 4 to 5 months before you feel 100%; it may seem like a small op but it is considered as major surgery. Insides don't like being poked around and moved so they can take some time to recover even though you feel fine. Your first few cycles / periods may be heavier and you may feel like symptom wise it hasn't helped; our bodies can't tell the difference between endo pain and removal of endo pain so we think nothings changed, have patience.

You ideally need to ring your specialist secretary and explain your situation; see if you can get an appointment in for before you're back to work. Explain you weren't talked to after your op and that your GP won't help until you've seen your specialist. It needs a first sick note of "post op" or something similar. After that you can go to your GP and say you would like it extended because .... and explain how you're feeling. Remember you've been resting; a job for the whole day demands a lot both physically and mentally, that's where most of us (me included) fall into the trap of not giving ourselves enough time. It's better to be signed off for longer - rather than trying to manage and then having to be off again. If it's one continuous signing off sick even with a few sick notes they will all say the same thing, if it's a few with different times back in work because you've tried to see how you'll cope sometimes they'll be recorded as different things. Plus you can self certify for up to a week - which won't look good if it's op recovery. So definitely get those appointments in.

See how you are walking around, going shopping - if that's exhausting / painful then you need more time off as that's a good indicator of how it feels to be mentally and physically taxed.

Hope this helps xx

Happy to answer any queries. Been through it all!

RivaDiva profile image

I just joined in the last 10 minutes as newly diagnosed also and hopeful of learning more about the condition. That being said your laparoscopic outcome sounds very similar to mine. My ovary and Fallopian tube was removed. I was able to return to work after 3 weeks. Make sure you feel ready to return and back to normal...don’t put yourself under too much pressure

Thecraftyadder profile image

I had a laparoscopy 2 1/2 weeks ago with excision. I was told no lifting at least for 2 weeks afterwards. I've really struggled picking up from this one, even short walks were exhausting. My GP just signed me off for another 2 wks. I'm finding stretching painful but I've noticed in improving daily now I'm past the 2 week mark. I work in a hospital so I can be on my feet a lot and do some manual handling. Fortunately my GP has had a laparoscopy herself in the past and is understanding. The incisions might be small but they go through muscles etc. Take the time you need before returning to work else doing too much too soon will increase your pain and you might end up going sick again (my work look at number of sick 'episodes' per year). All the best with your recovery :)

KimHat profile image

You need at least 2 weeks off sick. I went after 2 weeks but the first week back was really tough. In hindsight I should have got 3 weeks off (first two weeks sick note was written by surgeon and GP was happy to write a, further week too)

Sfr204 profile image

I’ve just gone back after 2.5 weeks and wish I had had longer. The adhesions are not something to worry about per se but you need to give your whole body and mind time to heal. Get better and back to normal life prior to working would be my advice xx

Ajem197 profile image

Hi, I've had two laparoscopies so far, one diagnostic and one for excision. I am currently awaiting my third and have been told by my surgeon to expect to take the same amount of time off work - 3 weeks for the diagnostic lap, and 6-8 weeks for excision (stage 4 and bowel involved with me also). I was totally unprepared first time round and the excision surgery wiped me out for a good 6 months, so yes it is totally normal to feel like this after just a week of recovery. Give yourself time, sounds like you haven't had much support or advice from the hospital/ surgeon at all. I asked to be referred to a specialist endometriosis clinic this time and feel I have been listened to a lot more and given much more advice than the general gynea I was under last time. They were shocked I was never referred to a Colorectal surgeon 're the bowel involvement as that is causing the majority of my symptoms now, so push for a referral re the adhesions at your follow up appointment. Hope you're feeling better soon Xx

AJJ123 profile image

I took a week off work, everyone’s different I suppose and perhaps to some ppl that was too early.

I didn’t feel like I needed to be off any longer, but people manage the pain differently and it depends on what is done during the lap. I had it quite bad - stage three but I recovered quickly.

You know your body and your limits - I think just gage it by the end of the first week. If u need more time, take it.


emilymac7 profile image

Thank you so much for all your replies. It has really helped especially as I feel unsupported by the hospital. I rang the ward to speak to one of the gynaecologists and as told once I have been discharged I cannot speak to anyone. I've been listening to m body and taken 2.5 weeks to recover and will be going back to work today.

Thanks again for all your advice, I am so happy this forum exists.


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