Pain in bum: Does anyone else get pains up... - Endometriosis UK

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Pain in bum

lizzyxx profile image
44 Replies

Does anyone else get pains up their bum? I have had shooting pains there before but nothing nowhere close to this pain it was agony, I have been spotting since Saturday and was woken up in the early hours of this morning with an excruciating pain up my bum to the point I was nearly crying, this lasted a couple of hours. I can only describe the pain as someone twisting something large like a rolling pin up my bum (sorry for the tmi!) And I also had extremely bad pain in my stomach at the same time, has anyone else experienced this and know what it could be? Thanks xx

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lizzyxx profile image
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44 Replies
Char411 profile image

I have had this, at least once a month and I had Endo all over my rectum which has since been removed, I now only get occasional stabbing pains there. It’s a vile pain

Big hugs xx

lizzyxx profile image
lizzyxx in reply to Char411

I had my lap in June but don't know if they checked my rectum, is it routine to check there during a diagnostic lap? xx

in reply to lizzyxx

I get this after a bad bowel movement usually during my period. It’s still happening now after it was all removed by an endo specialist. ☹️

I think it is standard to check; my first lap found it there and on POD. It was also found on my second lap and grown so much I got referred to a endo consultant because a normal gynaecologist cannot remove endo from there.

My endo nurse is suggesting I might need to see a colorectal specialist and probably have a colonoscopy because of these bowel issues. Have you been seen by a colorectal specialist?xoxo

lizzyxx profile image
lizzyxx in reply to

I have endo on pod, could it be that causing the pain? It was just so sudden and severe to the pain I usually have, no just a gynaecologist but he was referred to me by my endo consultant xx

Char411 profile image
Char411 in reply to lizzyxx

I think they checked mine because I was passing menstrual blood through my rectum and a colonoscopy had ruled out any other reason for it. Like this disease isn’t bad enough with this..... literally a pain in the arse xx

lizzyxx profile image
lizzyxx in reply to Char411

I mentioned the shooting pains in my bum but usually only lasts seconds and isn't nowhere near as severe, I'm worried that my rectal symptoms are getting worse as I've had 3 periods since my lap and no endo was removed xx

Char411 profile image
Char411 in reply to lizzyxx

Mine did progress as the rectal pain started getting worse and the rectal bleeding didn’t start until June 2017 it just happened and then happened every month until after my lap in May 2018. Talk to your gynecologist as you know your body best xx

Alarna profile image
Alarna in reply to lizzyxx

How long do u wate for a lap i been wating two monthes since pro opp and i get this pain too

lizzyxx profile image
lizzyxx in reply to Alarna

12 weeks after my pre op

Alarna profile image
Alarna in reply to lizzyxx

Why do we get left so long it can gwt worse feel so let down

Goldencat profile image

Hey lizzy sorry to hear you’ve been going through this it sounds awful! It would be interesting to know. I have random shooting sharp pains up in my rectum and often when I’m opening my bowels. I’ve always suffered with constipation so just assumed it was because my muscles were going into spasm or something. Unsure whether it is related to my Endo or not 🤷🏼‍♀️

lizzyxx profile image
lizzyxx in reply to Goldencat

Do you have endo in pod? As I do so it may be cos of that but this is by far the worst pain I've felt out of all my symptoms xx

Wjwoo profile image
Wjwoo in reply to lizzyxx


I have suffered this pain for years, it’s always in the middle of the night, wakes me up, almost like a contraction in your bum! It lasts so long, pain killers never kick in in time, it’s so distressing, I feel your pain 😢

lizzyxx profile image
lizzyxx in reply to Wjwoo

Do you know what causes your pain? I don't ever want to experience it again! Lol x

vmagpie profile image


I’m not diagnosed yet but I used to get this a lot about six years ago. It’s excruciating!

It would start around 3-4 days before my period in my stomach and rear, then my period would add the feeling of my insides falling out of the notorious V.A.G. I had it every month for about 2 years and was told I had bad periods and depression because I cried at the doctors 🙄. Another contraceptive pill and antidepressants and I swapped the pain for other symptoms.

Only recently have I seen a gynaecologist, had an MRI and waiting for results before setting a date for first laparoscopy

Get it checked out. Please don’t get fobbed off

All the best x

lizzyxx profile image
lizzyxx in reply to vmagpie

I've been diagnosed with endo in june but not sure how I get the pain I do from where they found it x

Nicjane profile image

I do. Lately i been on mini pill (4 months now) each morning just 3 or so hours before i need to take my pill i bleed and have pains like a period not as bad but still clench pillow and roll into ball. While i habe this i also get shooting pain up tje bum. Especially if i have a bowel movement with the period.

I find luke warm baths, laying on sode with blanket in between my legs to help. Anytome i get pain i "shake" or "kicl" my legs back and forth and of course any painkillers that are suited best for you.

Its very cruel good luck hun xx

lizzyxx profile image
lizzyxx in reply to Nicjane

I sleep with blankets in between my legs and under my stomach, the only thing that eased my pain was getting in the bath but I've honestly never felt pain like it before and I've had appendicitis and a ruptured gallbladder but this was much worse it nearly made me sick xx

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to lizzyxx

Hi hun

Have you got adhesions? I used to get this pain every mid cycle it was like barb wire twisting my insides I couldn't dit stand or do anything apart from cry through it it would last a few hours and be around mid cycle. I found out my tubes were blocked and had adhesions. Xxxx

lizzyxx profile image
lizzyxx in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

I have endo in quite a few places but they said my tubes are fine, just not sure what's causing it xx

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to lizzyxx

Endo has a lot to answer for hun. Hope you find out what's causing it. I deal with pain much better once I know what's exactly causing it. Big hugs hun xxx

lizzyxx profile image
lizzyxx in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

Thank you ☺ xxx

Han-bear profile image

Yes this was the worst of my symptoms, I had to breathe through the pain when trying to go to the toilet, it would take me ages to go because of the stabbing pain. I have endo on the pod. So guessing that’s why, hugs to you as it’s a horrible pain to get x

lizzyxx profile image
lizzyxx in reply to Han-bear

I am in full flow today and have a deep ache up there but nothing like what I felt yesterday, did your symptoms improve after having the endo on pod removed? x

Han-bear profile image
Han-bear in reply to lizzyxx

Yes massively improved, though came back eventually after the first lap, so had a second lap and it went again, I’ve been pregnant since so been pretty free of pain, but dreading it coming back...hopefully it won’t!

Tori276 profile image

I used to get this a lot. Had ridiculously painful periods too. I tried everything natural and the only thing that worked was serrapeptane 80,000iu. I only took it for a few days, sweated like crazy, got swollen lymph nodes in my groin (not sure if this was from sweating or a reaction). Then stoppedas I panicked. But I heard that this literally eats the Endo.

Had a year pain free after only taking that initial dose and have been ovulating regularly etc. Periods have been less heavy too. And no pain n the bum either! Used to feel like shooting pains or like someone punching you.

lizzyxx profile image
lizzyxx in reply to Tori276

Thank you I'll look into that ☺

Tori276 profile image
Tori276 in reply to lizzyxx

There's a typo in my original message... it's called serrapeptase! ;-)

Hussain29 profile image

Yes I have had this and had Endo needed it removing

LEG84 profile image

I have endo on my POD and get exactly the same pain. Had theee laps and when removed the pain does het better. I am now on my second round of zoladex and am feeling fab. Best of luck x

lizzyxx profile image
lizzyxx in reply to LEG84

Thank you that gives me some hope ☺ I'm having my excision surgery next month so hoping I will feel some relief from my symptoms afterwards x

LEG84 profile image
LEG84 in reply to lizzyxx

Is it your first one? My second one was really extensive and took me a couple

Of months to recover from but it gave me 4 years endo free. Best of luck

lizzyxx profile image
lizzyxx in reply to LEG84

It's my second lap but they didn't remove any in my first as it was too extensive, thank you

EndingEndo profile image

Hi Lizzie, could well be endo that was already there and you're having a flare up, or its grown in the last three months and is sitting on some nerves. If you have endo in the pod, sounds like it's likely to be the former. I'd suggest see an endo specialist gynae, they may send you for a transvag ultrasound to check the pelvis although it's not a conclusive diagnosis and needs a Really skilled technician (I have a London recommendation), before scheduling you for an excision laparoscopy (pick your doctor well). If that doesn't work out, you could try a pelvic physio, they can feel a lot of what's going on. Hope it helps!

lizzyxx profile image
lizzyxx in reply to EndingEndo

Thank you I have my excision surgery next month

magsxoxo profile image
magsxoxo in reply to EndingEndo

hey, I'm going to have another examination (in the early stages before lap), could you let me know who you recommend in London? There's a few endo specialists, but would rather go on someone's recommendation, especially as they're tried and tested!

lizzyxx profile image
lizzyxx in reply to magsxoxo

Have a look on the BSGE website, that's where I found my consultant x

Sophsta profile image

Hiya, I really do feel for you. I know exactly what you are talking about. I experienced that shooting pain and bleeding for months, along with an extremely sharp pain in my right ovary. I'd describe mine like a knife being twisted and a cork being pushed into your bottom causing ALOT of pressure to build up! The pain would catch my breath and give me fever like symptoms. I had put it down to real bad period pains (before a confirmed diagnosis) until the pain was so bad on one night, not even co-codomol shifted the pain. I ended up in hospital and suffered with the pain for 8 hours!!! When I got to the hospital, I was left in the waiting room and by the time I saw the doctor the pain eventually subsided by itself. He suspected it was my appendix but no way was I going to stay in hospital for those unecessary tests when I knew deep down it was the endo. I would usually experience this pain a couple of days after my 2 day period so it was even more frustrating as I wasn't bleeding and it lasted up to 10 days!!! So, the hospital doc gave me a prescription with oral morphine and sent me on my merry way. That was in September 2017. I still suffered with those bottom pains right up until my lap in Feb 2018, as the oral morphine didn't really work on me. Eventually after my lap I had exicision surgery. At my follow up he confirmed my bowel was attached to my ovary and the endo was in the POD and had infiltrated my bowel. I really hope you get treated asap. Since my surgery I haven't had those bottom pains although I do get different symptoms now (which I won't bore you with today!) Good luck chick x

lizzyxx profile image
lizzyxx in reply to Sophsta

Thank you ☺ I was diagnosed on 18th june but unfortunately nothing was removed as it was too extensive so had to wait another 12 weeks for excision surgery which is on 10th September, so frustrating. I'm glad you're bottom symptoms got better, I hope mine do too x

Sophsta profile image
Sophsta in reply to lizzyxx

I had an MRI scan in March 2017, so when I finally had my lap after many cancellation they treated me at the same time. They exercised and released the lesions too. I think it's so important to have the right consultant. The one I waited for is a Lead in the country for Endo and he can also perform bowel surgery which always helps. Fingers crossed for you that all goes well. I've been reading this forum for over 12 months now and I feel for the thousands that still suffer lap after lap but there is some hope for some. Even if only for a short period itwill help you both physically and mentally as I know how hard it can be xx

Alarna profile image

I also get this a couple a time a month is horribe i also have endometrosis and poco

I have had this pain for sure. The good news is I have no lesions or endo on my organs. So one thing doesn't necessarily go with the other.

theemmafk profile image

I get a shooting pain in my rectum and vagina as well! It’s absolutely horrible and I’m sorry to hear that you’re experiencing this as well!!

Mari123 profile image

Hi Lizzy! I have adenomyosis and yesterday I have experienced this type of shooting pain up my bum. After reading the thread I think I should check if I have Endo in PoD as well.

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