So I'm roughly 5 days before my period and I'm struggling to cope with the pain mainly in my right hip/bum that radiates into my lower back, I do have pain in my pelvis but it's definitely worse in the previous areas I mentioned. Feels like stabbing pains and pressure like somethings sat on my right side, does anyone else get worse pain here than they do in their pelvis? It's definitely a 10 atm pain wise it's awful x
Does anyone else get worse pain in their ... - Endometriosis UK
Does anyone else get worse pain in their hips/bum than they do their pelvis?

Yes, even throughout the month a lot of the pain I get is sort of radiating in my hip, bum and legs. Like a ache that can also be really sharp at times!
And when I’m on my period I swear the pain in my legs is worse than the pelvis pain!
Feel better xo
Hi Lizzy I can totally sympathise with you. I too have really bad pain in my hips, lower back particularly my left hip/groin area going into my bum and leg. I went running yesterday and it's been worse ever since. I suffer regularly with this pain. I also get stabbing pains in my groin and down below. I'm currently sat with a hot water bottle and taken some painkiller hoping it will improve. I hope you feel better soon. Xx
Hi lizzy yes I suffer really bad with same type of pain , have just had a really bad few days , nerve type electric shock/ stabbing pain down both legs from hip area ,this time making walking extremely painful and difficult . But sometimes is exactly as you describe deep in the buttock like a sharp tearing type pain. I had laparoscopy in January and was diagnosed with endo on both my uterosacral ligaments , pod, and bowel. Waiting for excision surgery in August . Hope your laparoscopy gives you some answers so frustrating that we all have to wait so long for some answers and help , good luck x
I should have known the pain was unusually worse for 5 days before my period as I woke up at 6 this morning covered in blood (sorry tmi) I used to be able to pinpoint my period to an exact day but for the past year my period basically starts whenever it wants. Thank you ☺ x
Yes, this is basically my main symptom, along with horrendous fatigue. It was the back/hip pain that actually led me to be diagnosed. I was referred to orthopaedics due to the pain & they did an mri which showed I had severe endo throughout my pelvis. This was just 5 weeks ago and I've still to see gynae, I've got my appointment 2nd July.
The pain for me is really difficult to tolerate and I've got a fairly high threshold for pain. It's a mixture of stabbing pain and a gnawing sensation. It can be so unbearable at times. I dint like taking painkillers but will take codeine at night so I can sleep as I just can't sleep when it's flared up. Every position hurts.
As I was waiting 9 months to see orthopaedics and just couldn't handle the pain and as I thought it was joint related, I went to a chiropractor. It's helped me so much. Since my diagnosis, we talked about why this has helped, the chiropractor says she's seen other people with endo and it just helps keeping everything moving and fix any alignment problems. I've been seeing her 7 months and have went from needing codeine every day to about once or twice a month (though I'm taking not at the moment for to a bad flare up). And when it does flare, it's definitely not as bad or for as long.
Yoga also helps me loads.
Just remember that endo isn't diagnosed on symptoms. People present so differently. I have severe endo and have no issues with my periods plus my symptoms are all month, they don't seem to follow my cycle. Maybe worse the week before my period and better the week after but I'm not sure. I've been keeping a diary of all my symptoms to try see if there's a pattern but who knows!
I'm worse during ovulation, week before my period and during. The only relief I get is the week after my period before ovulation where my symptoms are quite mild. Definitely suffering today though as I've come on my period early which is not surprising
That looks like the same pattern I'm seeing. It's not a huge difference though, I'm in pain all the time but yeah this week has been really bad and I'm due my period in the next couple of days.
It sucks. Xx