I have been getting awful stabbing pains up my bottom, does anyone else experience this? 🤔
Pain up the bum. : I have been getting... - Endometriosis UK
Pain up the bum.

Shooty bum pain! Yes! And I know another lady that does too and describes them exactly how I do - like a red hot poker that is so painful you can’t move for 20 or so seconds. My endo consultant feels it’s the endo in my bowel causing this
Hi Lauren1998. and Catness
Does the pain run down the back of your leg or into your foot?
If yes you may be experiencing pain produced by Scatica... pinching of your sciatic nerve.
I believe someone in Neuro treats this.
No it’s just in my bottom x
It can start out with just your bum single cheek even. It originates in the lower back.
I’ve had 38 falls to date:
35 ft from tree age 10
2 10 ft out of windows as toddler
33 ground level through to adulthood
I slip &fall face down on sidewalk 2013
1 collapse = full body damage including spine and pelvis twisting 2000
The latter one created a short leg and worsened sciatica
The pain first started just in my bum and progressively affects both legs and feet
Wow does it hurt I took physiotherapy for 16 years I still do the main stretches to reduce pain along with heat /ice packs NSAIDS for pain
I hope this is helpful
God bless you and take care
😊🌸 🤗💕xxx
Yes...just as described a red hot poker that catches you for 30 seconds so can’t breath or move. I have endo in pod so assumed it was that pain. My sister-in-law has described the same pain to me x
Yes omg I'm glad I'm not the only one I get shooting pains and are normally present when I'm either about to have my period or are on my period no idea what they are!!
Yes!!! I've suffered this since my teens. Will happen out the blue and makes me suck in a breath as its so painful. Literally lasts seconds then gone. Since having novasure I haven't experienced it but still get awful tummy pain. I have endo in pod xx
Yes, mine started 14 years ago after the birth of my son, so I assumed it was due to traumatic birth. It started in my rectum and would shoot up inside me to my navel, I’d grip anything in reach to avoid collapsing or fainting. Undiagnosed, I had a laparoscopic hysterectomy last April (years of pain/complaining and misdiagnoses ) when the surgeon discovered severe endometriosis with RV nodule and thethering to bowel. The bottom pain seemed to go away for a few months but is back with vengeance now and accompanied by right side sharp pain from groin to waist and rib cage at night. In the day I suffer from severe pelvic bruising plus an occasional limp in that leg. I am having surgery with BSGE consultant at the end of this month for RV nodule and possible bowel resection.
Oh yes the red hot poker that stops me dead in my tracks, completely debilitating. My gastroenterologist said it’s common with RV Endo
Yes I had this it's awful. Mine was caused by Endo in the pod and since I've had it removed by lap I've had no pain since
Yes yes! Thank god I’m not the only one! I’ve had episode where it lasts for about 20 minutes and is honestly the worst pain I’ve experienced, it makes you fall to the floor. I had my lap done last year but don’t even think they checked my bowel. I have started experiencing the pain when i have a full bladder feels like a bowling ball pressure pushing down on my rectum. Anyone found remedies to reduce the pain? X
Hello Lauren,
This sounds like it could be Endo on the bowel. Have you seen the Endometriosis UK fact sheet on this? It describes “knife up the bottom” pain as one of the symptoms.
x X x
Yes i used to get it before i was diagnosed and bled from the rectum..its like a few seconds stabbing pain. I have endo in rectum and bowel. When i started zoladex the pain went
Hope that helps
I get this. It's nasty. I've had it before when walking along (usually with someone), and I usually have to stop and lean against something/try and stop my face contorting into weird expressions. Not an easy one to explain!
I also get a similar pain up my vagina. Does anyone else get that?

I get the pain in the vagina too! I describe it as broken glass being scraped around up there/hot poker sensations.
The staff at the hospital are at a loss as to why I am feeling this pain. I had endo on POD/uterosacral ligaments and pain in bottom stopped after removal, but this vaginal pain is something else.
Any ideas why we get the pain here? Apparently everything looked normal when I had my op. They have done swabs to rule out infection...
I experience that too. Especially in the morning when my bladder is full and I need a poop. Such an intense pain but it’s normally over in a few secs x
Not sure if I've lost my earlier reply so sorry for repeating myself if I have. Yes, it feels like being stabbed in the rectum. The last surgery found endo on the outside of my bowel. A bowel surgeon was in surgery too incase I needed a resection, luckily it could be shaved off (sorry TMI) It worked for awhile but I still get the stabbing pain, it's one of my worst endo symptoms (not that I have a 'best'!) Definatly get a specialist gynaecologist to have a look with a bowel surgeon present incase.
I do get this especially during my periods!
Yeah I get the same when it’s my period though. It’s so painful I can’t sit down or move until it passes which could be up to 10 minutes 😫 I’m still waiting for a diagnosis but my doctor think I have endo that could be anywhere including my bowel and bladder xx