Help I've been signed off from work with stress and anxiety but I don't know how too deal with it. The doctor gave me websites for mindfulness etc but haven't been able too go on these it's too much stuff too digest makes me more anxious. I have non stop anxiety attacks just had one at my local shop cause I couldn't find what I wanted I stood in the shop just crying people just staring at me and I just walked out. Took me double time walking home as I couldn't breath was shaking and when I got home too an empty house just collapsed in tears. Can anyone recommend anything too help me I'm a complete mess.
Anxiety: Help I've been signed off from... - Endometriosis UK

Hi Trudie,
I'm so sorry to hear you're suffering from anxiety; I recently got diagnosed with acute trauma and anxiety too.
I'm still struggling a lot with it and I agree that the mindfulness stuff is a minefield and for me can only do so much and it doesn't always work or help.
I've just started seeing a psychotherapist and I had my first session recently. I was exhausted afterwards and we only unpacked so much, but I feel he can help. I'm seeing him every two weeks and I am genuinely looking forward to my next session.
I've also started painting; I'm no expert but honestly it's been freeing to just express myself as I'm terrible at doing so in general.
Has your doctor suggested anything other than websites?
Hi Trudie22,
I'm really sorry you are going through such a tough time with anxiety. I know everything at the moment seems hard or daunting and it sounds like you could do with some professional support.
Did your doctor mention anything to do with referring you for support via the NHS mental health services?
If not, there could be the option of self-referral in your area. If you go to this website and type in your postcode you can see what services may be available for self-referral. You will need to complete a questionnaire and then someone usually gives you a call to make an appointment to talk through your individual situation before they recommend treatment (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Counselling etc).
I know at times like this you feel like friends and family may not understand what you are going though but please know that we are all here for you.
If you find you just need someone to talk to, Endometriosis do have a free helpline run by volunteers. You can find the times it is open here:
Mind, the mental health charity also have a helpline:
I hope this helps and take care.
Volunteer Moderator
I’m so sorry you are going through so much. Do you have a family member or good friend to spend sometime with you and talk? What about a hobby, I play my guitar when I have had enough of everything. I hope you get some help and start to feel better
Sorry you are struggling with Anxiety.
I used to have awful anxiety and I didn’t know what to do with myself, I would literally sit in my car and scream in an attempt to get rid of the feeling of someone crushing my chest.
Things I found helped me were:-
Removing sugar from diet
Reducing caffeine intake
Music - find what music makes you feel good and play it LOUD!
Avoiding TV which is depressing and watching comedy/feel good films.
They’re all simple things but made a huge difference.
I agree with all the posts above though if you can be referred for professional support that would be amazing. X
Hi there. Along with endometriosis I have ptsd which causes horrendous anxiety attacks. I totally get the thing about not being able to absorb information regarding online mindfulness. First off I would go back to your gp and request counselling or follow the link another poster has included and refer yourself. The waiting lists are usually long though so I would speak to your gp to see if they have a counseller at your surgery or if they have any suggestions for how to access therapy quickly. The other options would be speaking to Mind in your area - my area now charges and there's a long waiting list. If you can financially afford it I would recommend paying to see a cbt and person-centred therapist privately if waiting lists are long on nhs. They'll help you offload, get to the root of why you're feeling this way and help you deal with the overwhelming feelings. Always great to get a recommendation if you know someone who has seen a therapist but if not search here:
Has your gp given you diazepam to help deal with the anxiety attacks? I take them as and when and it helps. Best not to take them every day as they're addictive but they are invaluable if I've tried breathing exercises, distraction and nothing is working.
I feel the best way to get back control is a massive amount of self care and preventative measures. Below is what I find helpful.
It's important to stay as relaxed as possible so the anxiety attacks don't get a chance to peak. While you're off work, if you can, I'd go to a garden/park, headphones on, lie down and let this glorious sun relax the muscles in your body. Really focus on how it relaxes each muscle - it's like a free massage I do this along with breathing exercises: breathe in to the count of 5, hold for 5, exhale for 5. This is a similar one:
Once you've got used to practicing the breathing exercises you can listen to uplifting music while you practice if you prefer. If you can't go to a park/garden just lay down on your bed.
I find this free app really useful. Works best as a preventative so try to do it twice a day and whenever you can feel anxiety starting to build: Complete Relaxation: Guided Meditation for Anxiety by Zenoki Ltd
Mindfulness is all about being in the moment. When I felt overwhelmed by online research I ended up going for daily walks at my local nature trail. I would literally force myself out the door. Just 10 minutes of walking, doing breathing exercises while walking and really focussing on your surroundings can help. Like I'd make myself focus on the trees, the sound of the wind blowing through them, the movement, the colours where the sun hits them. Slowly deep breathing during this. I'd also 'talk' to every dog that came my way. Stroking a pet, briefly chatting to the owner helped me just that bit to Ground myself.
I also would do daily Dead Sea baths. Chuck a cup full in a warm bath, add a few drops of lavender essential oil or anything uplifting like orange, lime, bergamot essential oil to an egg cup of milk and swirl it round in the water. The warmth of the water eases muscle tension along with the magnesium from the Dead Sea salt. I inhale the scents and do deep breathing, focussing my mind on happier thoughts, allowing my muscles to relax. I treat it as time out. Ban myself from letting my mind wander to anxious places as soon as I shut the bathroom door. I also have an oil burner where I add a few drops of essential oils. It really makes a difference to me when I can feel panic rising. I have it going in my bedroom while doing the relaxation app. Scent is a powerful sense and what I've tried to do is associate the smell with security and relaxation so I can turn to it when needed. I'd really recommend going to a health food shop where they sell them, have a good sniff at a few and you'll find one you're drawn to. Don't let the assistant tell you what to buy, everyone's different. For me, citrus smells make me think of summer and secure times but obviously it all depends what you associate with each scent.
The other thing id really recommend if it's possible for you is to go swimming and go in the steam room after. I get such issues with muscle tension. My mind would be anxious, without meaning to I would end up holding my shoulders high, thus creating neck, shoulder, back muscle pain which would send even more 'activate panic mode!' to my brain. I'd feel like I was floating on air post-swim and steam room, body all floppy and relaxed. The more regularly you do these things the more you're training your brain to realise these are pleasurable feelings that are far preferable to fight or flight.
Take care and do keep posting on here and if you have a good friend tell them what you're dealing with, spend time with them even if it's not talking about this stuff. It helps just to feel connected to the 'normal' world when your mind goes haywire xx
Ah wow just reading your comment helped me. Thank You. I'm lucky too have a partner who's a qualified physiologist and he helps me a bit with breathing exercises. Actually used one earlier when I had an attack at my shop. Completely washed me out but one step at a time. Xx
Ah I'm so glad. That's great you have a personal 'breathing coach' God yeah it's utterly exhausting isn't it? I feel like I've run a marathon after an anxiety attack. All that adrenaline. That's where all the self care stuff can come in useful - gradually practicing it all a few times a day so when the anxiety does hit you can turn to these things. I'd really recommend daily massage if your partner is willing. I spent a bloomin fortune going for holistic massages weekly but even one hour's break from feeling dreadful is really worth it and if I timed it for the evenings I would get a better night's sleep. Same with the Dead Sea salt aromatherapy baths. Xx
Sorry to hear that you're suffering my dear! I am anxiety, panic disorder and depression, so I totally feel for you. I found CBT really helpful, as a talking therapy. It allowed me to explain what was causing the anxiety and explain my thinking, and also made me realise the physical symptoms of the panic cycle.
I took up cross-stitching as well. I highly recommend getting stuck into tv series (The Marvellous Mrs Maisel is my favourite at the moment, and Brooklyn 99, as well as G.L.O.W.) as it helps me take my mind off things.
Going outside for a walk really helps, even to the park. I always carry water with me, and drink it when I feel panicked as it helps me cool down and think about that.
If you are in the midst of a panic attack, I think I'm going to die, so it helps to have someone (if possible) who just reiterates that it'll be okay and count in 1-2-3-4 to help steady your breathing. Apps like Fast Calm and Panic Attacks help me, as I like something to focus on to stabilise my breathing.
Definitely talk to family and friends if you can- people are more understanding than you think. I became agoraphobic for a while after I had a bad panic attack, and explaining that to friends meant that instead of missing out on social events, they would come and see me at home, so that I wouldn't feel excluded.
I drink a maximum of 2 cups of coffee a day as I feel more anxious and jittery with excess caffeine.
If you can exercise, it will definitely help. I love zumba, as I have no hand-eye co-ordination but it's such a great and fun workout that I always end up laughing during the class
Sending all the love xxx