I started taken tranaxemic acid last period, which was exactly a month ago, and I haven't had a period since then. I've had really bad pain and the constant feeling like it's going to start but no bleeding, just wondering if the tran acid had something to do with this? It will be my 4th period off the pill, each one has got shorter and shorter but this one has been a few days more than average, which is the only thing making me wonder, but can't find anything on google!
Tranexamic acid: I started taken tranaxemic... - Endometriosis UK
Tranexamic acid

Hey. I take Tranexamic Acid for my periods, and it works wonders. I used to have really heavy and painful periods, to the point that I couldn't leave the house. But when I take the Tranexamic Acid, all of my symptoms reduce dramatically. I think, based on what you've said, your period will probably start really soon. I've never had any problems with the tablets. When do you take them? And how many do you take? Xx
I started last period, taking 3 a day and found 0 improvement but put that down to it being the first time I was taking them. My period seemed shorter, but I was on holiday and there were various other factors, but that was the first stable cycle I'd had in a long time which is why it's confusing that it's like this now. My cycles pre-pill were 26 days, but I'm not on day 31, which was how long the last one was, so I was hoping I was getting into a routine as I've never been irregular ever!
Is that 3 a day on the first few days of your period?
I take 2 tablets three times a day on the first 4 days of my period. So that's 6 a day from when I start my period each month. Maybe you should go and see your GP to see what they can do.
I only just went to see them to be prescribed last month, was told to go back if they're not working but told to take 2 tabs 3 times a day for the first 4 days, and given I take so much other stuff as well with it, plus have to be in the right state of mind to look after children, I'd ideally like to take as little as possible. If it doesnt work I have genuinely no idea what I'll do next besides childbirth being my last option!
It is the tranexamid acid, it suppose to reduce excessive bleeding but every body reacts different to medicine so I suggest you go back to your GP and let him know that it isn’t working. You mentioned you taking a lot of medicine and two tables three times a day just for this medicine is a lot, I was taking so much medicine that my bed side table looked like a hospital bed!