has anybody had two periods In a month being on tranexamic Acid or meneferic acid?
tranexamic Acid meneferic acid - Endometriosis UK
tranexamic Acid meneferic acid

Hi my lovely my daughter was on meneferic acid because she has really bad periods she was on it for maybe 4 weeks and started getting really bad pains in her ribs so I took her to the Dr's who told my daughter and myself that they were irritating her stomach and causing her to have too much acid so she had to stop them straight away she didn't want to try the other ones you mentioned incase they done the same I think she has endometriosis the same as me but she's only 15 and can't have any tests until she's 18 and she was bleeding every two weeks they are meant to stop bleeding and pain but they didn't help my daughter xx
thanks for replying interesting! I have been recording patterns and it's defo 2 periods since I started taking both tablets. Thing is they do reduce pain ALOT. I'm already anaemic so if the tabs are causing two periods a month. I don't want to have to deal with more depleted iron. Taken together they make me feel dizzy and weak. But this monthly period I feel much better. I have been taking since Feb 2018. What pain relief do you take for your endo, if you don't mind me asking and do you suffer any side effects? xx
I take tramadol which help ease the pain a bit I also suffered with fibro myalgia so I'm in pain most days 😕 the only side effects I have is being tired but then again I'm always tired lol and that's it no other side effects at all they are probably the best pain relief I have ever had but I do know some people who take them and they suffer with more side effects it's different for everyone i hope you are well 💖💖xx
I’ve been prescribed those to ease pain & heaviness as was already having fortnightly full-on periods. Certainly helped but not expecting them to help get my timing back to normal. Just had ultrasound results- rescan in 6wks to monitor cyst in my womb. Apparently they can clear themselves up?! We’ll see. They haven’t said the cyst is definitely causing the frequent periods or whether it’s just one of those things.
ok thanks for info, doc said could be fibroids, but last scan in 2016 the word endometriosis was mentioned whilst I was in room. but wasn't directly told.... hope all goes well for you with second scan, and you perservere in finding the cause of your problem x