I’m 4 days post op! Had laparoscopic surgery to diagnose and remove endometriosis and ovarian cysts. I am passing wind fine but struggling to open bowels! Should I be concerned?
No bowel movement but passing wind - Endometriosis UK
No bowel movement but passing wind

I just had basically this exact surgery yesterday! I think pain meds can get is a little backed up but as long as you are passing gas from what my doctor said that is just fine!
Brown sugar in warm water helps with constipation
Go and get some laxative from the Doctors to help you! Otherwise it’s going to be very hard to go and after having surgery you can make your self ill or worse with it so it’s important to go get them. Doctor will give you best ones. Will also be due to pain killers which ones have they put you on? Xxx
Get some laxatives!! I was taking Ducoease. Also it tastes horrid but try prune juice! I take it like shots. It’s a more natural way, if you don’t want to pop pills! But considering you haven’t in 4 days definitely go get some laxatives.
Perfectly normal! 7 days after op I finally manage a bowel movement. The whole 7 days I had horrendous wind pains. I used milk of magnesia and it really really help plus drink lots of peppermint tea. It's amazing stuff!! I was told the bowel goes into shock after the surgery plus because of the gas they blow your tummy up with and pain killers you get all constipated.
Plenty Fruit, veg, milk of magnesia and peppermint tea is what I recommend mrs xxx
Ask doc for Lactolose. I was given it when I left hospital. I was worried about BM as have IBS and usually strain. The stuff really helps. Can take 4-7 days for first movement though.
Yeh pretty normal coz they fill u with gas to blow up stomach during lap.
Peppermint help, if it peppermint oil or tea will help but u do need to poop coz ur get constipation so get urself some magnesium tablets and some lactulose solution also drink loadsa water
Hi hun - it took me 6 days to have a bowel movement after my lap - I was even taking strong laxatives and nothing! It will happen eventuallg
So just an update! Had a BM and been 5 days so rather glad now! Thankyou for all your advice xx
Really pleased for you that you’ve finally gone! lol, no seriously I am! I had surgery 3 years ago (not for endometriosis) and didn’t have BM for 2 weeks!!! It was horrendous, worse than the surgery itself and that was bad. I was on movicol and lactulose for weeks to make me go but didn’t return to normal for over 6 months. At my post op follow up I was told it might be due to the drug Fentanyl they used in the general anaesthetic. Apparently the bowel ‘goes to sleep’... it has seriously scared me of ever having a GA again!!
OMG....it doesn't matter where you go to have this surgery... If they allow us to self address our post-op pain with a simple button push to relieve said pain...... What they also aren't telling us is we r pumping out bodies opioid category drugs which in effect cause post-op severe constipation which we don't know we have until we get home and later become miserable! Bottom line, if you are contemplating this surgery tell them u don't want pain meds that induce constipation.