Does anyone else have this? I seem to bleed (def from vagina) after essentially every bowel movement. Red blood, kinda mixed with discharge. Looking from some
Vaginal bleeding after bowel movement - Endometriosis UK
Vaginal bleeding after bowel movement

I do at times xx
Thank you so much for responding- so appreciated. Have you been given a reason as to why? I've been told I no longer have endometriosis but consultant suspects adenomyosis xx
No I haven’t, and also I haven’t really thought about it. But it is strange you mention adenomyosis as my consultant said there could be a chance as I have a bulky uterus however my symptoms are more endometriosis related so I haven’t really pushed too much for diagnosis. Endo is enough to cope with, sorry I can’t be too much help with this one. Xxx
Please don't apologise! I really appreciate you responding.
I was diagnosed with endo about 20 years ago and had treatment (laser) about 14 years ago. Eventually I had 2 successful pregnancies followed by breastfeeding and no period for over a year which seems to have halted my endo in terms of redevelopment.
My most recent lap was due to the suspected return of endo as my symptoms were indicative of this- however nothing was found! This is the reason that my consultant suspects adenomyosis as the lining of my womb "appeared to be thick".
I know I've had loads of investigations but I just worry that they've missed something! This strange bleeding is really messing with my head! Xxx
It’s good to hear a positive about your pregnancies I am going through a rough time wondering about my future. Also knowing that laser worked for you for such a long time, lots of post on this forum are quite disheartening when you hear of it coming back within 6 months after ablation. I do hope you can get to the bottom of this as I know what it is like to stress about every little detail xx
I have 2 little ladies I never thought I'd have. An 11 year old and 7 yr old I lost 2 little ones before I managed to have my first bubba. I truly believe that if I hadn't had treatment I wouldn't have them. I am so aware that I am incredibly lucky (even when they drive me insane!)
Hope everything works out the way you hope.
Miracles do happen. 💕🌈 xxx
Everytime I'm so sensitive x
It's so reassuring to hear that I'm not alone in this. It's a relatively new development for me- so off to gp on monday as it's making me incredibly anxious that something has been missed during recent investigations. Xx
It is, it definately seems scary but i been like ot for a year and half now. My gyne blamed it on my mini pill but it also now happens on my arm implant. Happens everytime when im in my period and most times when im not. Also happens after i pee sometimes so i need that investigated too. Please update me if they give you any inkling what it may be😊💛
Hello, I came on here this evening looking for some answers and wondered if you ever got an explanation? I have adeno and endo (and PCOS) and get vaginal bleeding after a bowel movement - but only in the three days or so before my period is due. I'm not getting any answers from my consultant and he doesn't seem to want to investigate why this is happening. Any update would be much appreciated! X