So lots going on with my pelvic area at the moment. I'm 28 and I've always had extremely very painful periods to the point that I thought I was going to pass out. I have to take lots of pain killers. I also had bowel trouble during my periods.
For the past 5-6 months my periods have been going increasingly brown. Then after a period 2 months ago I started experiencing right side pelvic pain. I went to the doctor who thought it was an infection but the swabs came back clear and the antibiotics have not cleared the symptoms.
My periods since have been more "normal" but have gone back to being very heavy and painful. I have also had blood tests and an ultrasound. The ultrasound was negative for abnormalities in ovaries, cervix, and uterus. The blood test showed my inflammation markers where up. An internal examination showed nothing abnormal on the cervix.
The pain is mostly on the right side, in my pelvis, hip, lower back, shooting down my leg and is there everyday. It can be prickly pain, shooting pain, stabbing pain, some cramping. It is definitely worse around my period. I'm also having bowel trouble with wind but I'm also stressed so that may be the cause? Sometimes feeling nauseous and some bloating but not often.
I've got a CT scan due in the next couple of weeks as well.
Anyone got any experience with these symptoms?
Thanks in advance.