Hello, I came across this forum when googling symptoms. I am 31 and live in Scotland. I first went to see my GP in October last year due to very painful periods, stabbing and cramping pains throughout my cycle. They took a blood test to check for PCOS which came back negative. My pain continued so I saw another GP a month later who started me on deogesteral pill and also referred me for an ultrasound. The pill did not suit me, made me very depressed and irritable so I stopped taking it after around a month. My pain has continued to get worse, I now have bloating, extreme pain when my bladder is full and when emptying my bladder. I am also feeling nauseous most mornings and have really bad fatigue. I feel exhausted constantly and sometimes light headed. When I have my period the pain is excruciating in my tummy, back and legs.
I had my ultrasound afew weeks ago and that was clear although they mentioned a lot of gas in my bowel. The GP surgery phoned me to come out n for a blood test, which was the CA125, also negative.
I am not sure what to do next, every test they have done has been fine. But I feel terrible!! I feel like the dr will think I'm a hypochondriac! I have another appointment on Friday but have no idea what to say. Can anyone help? Could my symptoms be Endometriosis and if so what should I be saying to my GP.
Thank you for any advice xx