So as the title says I'm bleeding from my bottom but only on my period. I had a lap 3 weeks ago where my pelvis was clear. I am seeking a second opinion on this. In the meantime could this be related to anything else, adenomyosis etc? TIA x
Bleeding from bottom on period: So as the... - Endometriosis UK
Bleeding from bottom on period
I have cyclical bleeding from my bottom and have bowel endo. Was your surgeon experienced in endo? It can be easily missed, can you request photos/ the video from your surgery? Im not sure if this is standard practice but my surgeon filmed my lap and excision. If your surgeon did the same you could then get a second opionion and take it with you.
I think rectal bleeding could be related to bowel conditions like Crohn's disease. But cyclical bleeding suggests it's related to endo so you're doing the right thing getting a second opinion.
Good luck, sending hugs 💛
Thank you for replying.
I've requested the photos and am going to research as much as I can before another appointment. My doctor has referred me onto a specialist now and is also writing to the gynae that did my lap to see where was checked.
Bleeding is only on my period and I also get frequent urination too. Also I've constant blood in my urine. I've had numerous abdominal and bladder ultrasounds but everything is fine and when my urine is sent off it doesn't come to anything.
I just wondered if adenomyosis would cause them things as well as I understand the symptoms are similar xx
Did your surgeon check for endometriosis on the bowel?
I have endometriosis that forms in the pod and on my rectum; having had two laparoscopys within 8 months apart I’ve now been referred to a endometriosis specialist.
Alongside many of my symptoms I also have bleeding From my bottom during my period.; this is a very common symptom of endometriosis in the bowel.
Good luck with your second opinion - hope you get some answers for your suffering xoxo
I have absolutely no idea, he rushed out at the end and I was unable to ask anything. I've spoken to my doctor about how disappointed I was by the lack of information. She is writing to him to find out. From what I can remember of my pictures they weren't of any underneath areas but I have now requested these. I'm in so much pain tonight as well, makes me so frustrated.
Thank you for messaging, I'm trying not to put everything into endometriosis because until I'm officially diagnosed I don't actually have it and it could be anything, I just know that all my symptoms relate to it xx