Blood from bottom when on period - Endometriosis UK

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Blood from bottom when on period

vickflick profile image
17 Replies

Hi there, does anyone else have blood out of their bum when on period? I have had it for a few years and it is only when I am on period, times when I am on the pill I don't get It. It is also the exact colour as the blood that my period currently is tooI had an ultrasound privately a few weeks ago as I do every year to keep check of everything and the sonographer said she can see invasive endometriosis around this area. It has worsened since last year.

I had an appointment anyway with the colorectal team and they said this is very rare and is very unlikely what is causing the bleeding. I feel they think I am making it up. I am having an MRI but does anyone else get the bleeding from bottom during period? And have they ever been given an explanation?

Many thanks

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vickflick profile image
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17 Replies
CocowithEndo profile image

Hello! That was one of my main symptoms of my endometriosis — it took 15 years for it to get diagnosed because all my doctors said it was internal hemorrhoids or something else. I told them it only happened during my period and two of my aunts had endo but no one took me seriously and made me feel like it was in my head.

I ended getting a colonoscopy and they couldn’t do it because they said it was like a brick wall and couldn’t get the scope in. Long story short, I had colon resection surgery because they still didn’t know what it was (told me it could be cancer) but I ended up getting diagnosed with stage 4 endo. Less than a year later I had excursion surgery to remove the lesions, it was everywhere.

Stay on top of all your symptoms, be your own health advocate and just know it’s not in your head — bleeding out of your bum is not normal and should not be brushed off. Good luck and if you have any questions — let me know!

vickflick profile image
vickflick in reply to CocowithEndo

Thank you so much for your reply, it is reassuring that other people also have it. I have known endometriosis and have had a few laparoscopies over the years. I had a colonoscopy a couple of years ago to get to the bottom of it (excuse the pun) but they found nothing. Yet it keeps happening, surely there is a way it is getting through?

CocowithEndo profile image
CocowithEndo in reply to vickflick

Did they find the endo on your colon during your laparoscopies? Also, do you know if you had ablation or excursion surgery? If you had ablation that could be the reason it keeps coming back.

Love a good bum pun, haha 😂

vickflick profile image
vickflick in reply to CocowithEndo

The last lap they only found endo on pelvic wall and a small in the POD, none in the colon, the same with the colonoscopy. Ive had excursion on all my laps but it always comes back. If not the colon I have no idea where the blood is coming from, the colorectal consultant said that a uterus to rectum fistula is very rare but not sure what else could be

JOSANDY40 profile image
JOSANDY40 in reply to vickflick

Hi Vicky, I have just read you are 45yrs old. Well you're doing OK as Endo sufferer. You mention a Hysto. It won't generally fix deep Endometriois and may cause other issues with other organs and nerve damage. Then there's the add back hormones that Endo likes, raised cancer issues if you have that in your genetics. Also having a full Hysto taking the cervix. Full Hysto removed does slightly shortens your life expectancy I was told by my Specialist.

In the last 2yrs finally my Endo is calmer. I take several painkillers including Morphine. Zoladex I have far exceeded the guidelines and finally Zoladex was causing me issues. Zoladex is amazing drug difficult the 1st Yr and hard to off but without it would have been impossible.

I have new pain in the last 12mths, a growth in my womb, Op in March. So I hoping that I won't finally have to submit to that Hysto!

I have studied deeply into this disease across the world. Repetitive outcomes, poor information given and out of date teachings for doctors. More and more suffer from Endo, even some men have it!

My best x

asread profile image

I’ve had rectal bleeding with my period for two years and constantly went back to Gyne and was ignored - they told me to go to colo rectal, a year later they did a colonoscopy and there were tiny haemorrhoids. I pushed with Gyne and they did an MRI in October 23 and found deep endo in my bowels which explained all the symptoms.

You should keep pushing with appointments. Also for my MRI the general radiologist reported and now the Gyne team are looking at it with their specialist, so depending it what yours shows you could ask for Gyne to look at the report as well.

It isn’t normal to have rectal bleeding with your period - it’s draining but keep going with the appointments.

vickflick profile image
vickflick in reply to asread

Thank you, I get bounced around between gyne, colorectal and urology over the years and it is exhausting. Basically it feels like no one really knows what they are doing I am waiting till I'm 45 and can hopefully have a hysterectomy

I hope you finally have answers

HethH profile image
HethH in reply to vickflick

My daughter has had a colonoscopy because of bleeding from her bum and they said it was ‘inconclusive’ ? But luckily the gynaecologist found the endo and in fact it’s that that had been causing the bum bleeding. It’s the lack of joined up thinking and communication between departments that causes all of these issues for women. I had the same myself so at least I have been able to help my daughter but when she asked the colon consultant about whether it could be endo he just dismissed her!

Kricam78 profile image

I don't have much of a period now due to taking the combined pill back to back but previously I bled from my back passage when on my period. I also get regular diarrhoea and stomach cramps and painful wind. I've always known it to be endo related but have had to have colonoscopy, barium swallow, flexible sigmoidoscopy and CT colon for them all to come normal. I've had a GP recently tell me endo doesn't cause bowel symptoms (which is tripe) so I had a private scan with an endo specialist. He's diagnosed severe and extensive bowel endo which he says absolutely would cause the symptoms experienced. He said bleeding from the backside is common with bowel endo but no one knows why it happens. It is an accepted symptom by those who actually specialise in endo.

Giraffegreen profile image

I don't know why it happens, but I have this symptom and I had a colonoscopy which was all clear. I have a confirmed endo diagnosis but the closest explanation I have was after an mri by a specialist who told me my bowel is involved in two seperate areas and adhered to my uterus. While no one has been like this is why you're bleeding, it is a conclusion I have come to given that everything else has been ruled out.

16yearsofpainsofar profile image

I get this too but Gps have ignored all my complaints of horrendous pain and severe blood loss since I was a child (in my 20s now). Seeing an endo specialist gynae soon and I'm hoping I'll get answers.

nikogirl18 profile image

I get this!! Thank god to hear other people are having the same, I thought I was alone or it was just something I had to learn to live with!

I have my surgery in November and was diagnosed stage 2 on my bladder and ovary, had excision surgery to remove.

My main symptom was bleeding from my bum, nearly all the time (I was on the pill for 10 years). Had sigmoidoscopy, 2 upper endoscopies and a colonoscopy and nothing was ever found, no reason for the bleeding. Swings between constipation and diarrhoea - no food intolerances and when I bleed I have THE WORST pain and cramps imaginable.

It’s got worse this last month to the point where I bled from my bum into the toilet quite a lot and interestingly it was while I was having a coil bleed (had my coil fitted during surgery and been fine so far). Stopped bleeding and my bum bleeding and pain has calmed a bit.

GP has referee my back to colorectal but she is thinking it’s linked to endo, although my surgeon seemed pretty confident it’s not bowel endo.

Could endo be inside the bowel or rectum? It would make more sense as to why it was missed by my surgeon? All my colonoscopies etc were well over 6 months ago now, so maybe something has developed in that time?

Just feel like I’m going crazy but I keep a symptom diary and take pictures (kinda gross) so I have visual evidence

asread profile image
asread in reply to nikogirl18

Sounds like my symptoms. Have you had an mri?

nikogirl18 profile image
nikogirl18 in reply to asread

Yeah I had an MRI scan before my surgery last year, maybe around September and they apparently didn’t see anything abnormal or unusual 🙄 don’t know if I should have asked for a second opinion on it

JOSANDY40 profile image

Myself I had rectal bleeding in my late 20's til about 32. I also had lung bleeding during periods.I suffered it for those yrs. It stopped by itself. Endometriosis is a werid disease it attacks a area, damages it, the body finally steps up and the Endometriosis attacks a different area but increasing its deep implants which it does return to.

Personally if you have only had this a yr. Yes investigate, check it out. Is it really dangerous, does it cause pain? I would get a 2nd opinion on any operation that could cause you other issues with bowel emptying or nerve damage caused by a operation. Yes Endometriosis does require monitoring and operations to remove pain thar it causes.

A top Surgeon said to me once. Remember this. . . every operation you have for Endometriosis will cause damage when we make on Incisions. Longterm you will endup being Bedded down and important operations could be harder to access or even damage other organs.

Well I had one full open surgery for my serious Endometriosis involving the trunk of my body without this with the bowel twisted and blocked I would have died. Since I have had 5 other keyhole Ops. The last I was told that they felt any other Ops would require opening me up and I may lose my bowel, there could be bladder damage too.

I would in future required a Endo and Bowel Surgeon. It was explained to me about the different tissues that separates organs, mines depleted, so I'm stuck together, Endo by Adhesions also causes this effect.

As I say remember just to keep the number of operations to a minimum so you don't end up with new symptoms which are worse than rectum blood during your period and end up like me 20yrs+ down the line.

My best wishes

Cocoacupid profile image

yes hun when I was thirteen or fourteen would have a lot of blood when passing a stool but when I was ten and started they were never right. Would bleed out onto my clothes in primary school and was so so embarrassed 😳 as no one in my year had started early like me. It was a disaster at times in so much pain my mum would keep me off school as I was curled up in a ball even at primary school age.

Bubble-z profile image


I have this issue and it’s due to bowel endrometriosis. I got diagnosed on December 2023 but have had this problem since 2021. When I mentioned it to my GP two years ago, they asked me to do a colonoscopy. The consultant who did my colonoscopy told me there was lesions in my bowel and many in my rectum so he diagnosed me with internal Haemorrhoids which was not correct! I wasn’t convinced as bleeding would begin just before my period so I did an MRI last year and the result was quite shocking! Stage 4 endometriosis that is affecting my rectum to the point that it needs to be removed. Apart from my rectum my hips , uterus, vagina and both ovaries are affected!

I think MRI is the best way to get diagnosed.

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