So after being referred to a gynaecologist by my GP, I finally saw her today. My GP strongly suspects I have endometriosis but told me that I would need to be referred by a gynaecologist for a laparoscopy. However, upon seeing said gynaecologist today she told me that it could be endo but she thinks I'm too young to Operate on (I'm 20) and that some girls just get bad period pains and if it is endo it will be the start of long and complicated procedures. After hearing this I feel absolutely defeated... Like my voice isn't being heard at all. I'm too young, yet I can't live my life to the full because it's so painful. Is there anything I can do?
Too Young to Operate on?: So after being... - Endometriosis UK
Too Young to Operate on?

I'm so so sorry to hear your situation at the moment. Im 19 and not far off your age. What I suggest from the pit of my stomach is to push push push. Get om thier nerves say its affecting your quality of life and you deserve the same treatment as anyone else! I had my lap friday but it took me 3 years of gyne appointments for them to finally agree. Young babies have serious heart/lung operations i dont kmow why they say your to young. I heard stories of 16 year olds getting laps done.
I said it was affecting my mental health. I cant socialise i can't do my driving lessons or even go shopping thigs we should do. If i were you go back to your gp say its affecting you greatly wether physically/emotionally/mentally and say can you go to another gyne because your desperate. Many speciali say that if pain is still bad even after paracetomol for exmaole its a cause for concern. Also the 1 in 10 chance they need to look into everyone who suffers with reproductive pain. Keep fighting and they will eventually hear you. I been diagnoised with endo in left side and i feel like almost 9 years of pain has been justifed 😸 good luck and stay on this site and read as many stories as you can xxx
I had my lap done when I was 18 and had to fight for it, you’ve got to assert your authority and basically demand it x
Your not too young at all. Go back and ask to see someone else. I had my laporoscopy when I was 19 and I’m now 20 x
Also just to add, I was put on the waiting list for a lap at my second appointment with a gynae. First appointment he asked me to try 2 weeks worth of antibiotics in case of any infections, second appointment nothing had changed so he booked me in for a lap. I think it depends what gynae you get but definately fight against it and see someone else. This is the reason why it takes people longer to be diagnosed but also because of the long wait there endo is in a worse way than it probably was when they first seen a gynae. The quicker you have a lap the better. Good luck xx
So sorry you're going through this. I had my first lap at 17, now 39. It really improved my symptoms for a couple of years, although I know other girls have different experiences. Don't despair, I saw a few different doctors before my first surgery, some also refused to do any investigations & I'd had terrible pains etc for 5 years before this.
I do hope you can get things sorted out. Take care x
Your not to young at all. Thats just tosh. Push on
Totally agree with what everyone else has said. You’re not too young (I had my first lap at 21). Sounds like your Dr may be too inexperienced. I personally would push for a second opinion and like others have said just keep on them. I had to learn very early on to become quite stubborn and wouldn’t go away until I got what I want. Best of luck xx
Sounds like rubbish to me! I wasn't on the NHS (I have insurance and wanted to plan my op around my college terms) but I'm 18 and my gynaecologist was happy to do a laparoscopy on me... Period pains are a valid reason for seeking treatment - before my lap ibuprofen didn't even touch my pain and I ended up on mefenamic acid as that finally managed to stop me feeling ill and weak on the first few days of my period. I'd push for a laparoscopy - that way you have a clear answer as to what it is (if it is endo) and can start treatment as early as possible, as fertility might be an issue (it isn't for everyone and I don't want to scare you, but if you do want children knowing what you're dealing with is crucial to treatment)
If your gynaecologist still doesn't think surgery is the best option (or still insists you're too young) then you're entitled to a second opinion and you're well within your rights to seek one out!
Best of luck with everything xx
I am 43 and didn't have my first lap to diagnose and treat endo until I was 32 and I had been suffering for many years since I was 15. I had a cyst that grew so big they couldn't do a normal lap and had to do a laparotomy instead. I believe if I had a laparoscopy when I was younger it would not have grown to that stage that I needed to have a more major operation so from my experience it would have been better to have an op when I was younger. I would speak to Endometriosis UK helpline: about this. I would also seek a second opinion from another doctor with a pain and symptoms diary to show how it is affecting your quality of life . I would also make sure your are referred to a gynaecologist at a BSGE endometriosis specialist centre hospital. Hope it works out for you and keep strongx
I had a similar encounter with the first gynaecologist I saw. I'm 26 and was told she was not prepared to do the lap because I was too young and don't have any children.
Even though my ultra sound showed adenomyosis she scoffed at that and told once again I was too young and she was not prepared to do the lap.
I returned to my gp and was referred to a different gynaecologist who without question put me on his lacroscopy waiting list. He apologised for the way the other gynaecologist treated me.
Just keep pushing for a another referral and insist it is a different gynaecologist. Some just aren't as educated as others believing it only affects women of a certain age after child birth.
Hope you get the help you need and deserve
Good luck x
I had my lap done at 20, I was told to wait til I wanted kids as they thought it would give me the best chance but having one done early can sort out any issues you may have and allow you to get treated so they don't have to do another before you want kids, if that makes sense. Plus my gynae never took into consideration that I might have wanted kids like within the year and this was me wanting it before having kids! I'd ask for another referral, I asked for one to a few BSGE hospitals I'd researched and they put me through to a consultant there who wanted one done within the week x
Hey, I’m so sorry to hear that happened.
This has happened to me, I’m only 21 and I’m finally getting my surgery after 6 years of complaining and my gyno testing me for STDS and other things knowing I’ve been in pain and have had tons of cyst and everything. Sometimes you have to fight and just keep pushing, I wish I had done it sooner instead of now. You have every right to tell her that you think you need the surgery and if she or he won’t do it, I’d find another specialist! Even kids around 11-12 have been known to have endometriosis! Just trust your gut and if you know something isn’t right, don’t take no for an answer. Advocate for yourself, that’s something I didn’t know how to do until my symptoms got horrendous!