Hi everyone! I was just wondering if anyone has been given any medical advice to take any particular vitamins or supplements to help with the fatigue? Really needing a boost trying to get through 9-10 hour working days all week I’m struggling! Thanks in advance, Loren
Fatigue and vitamins : Hi everyone! I was... - Endometriosis UK
Fatigue and vitamins

Hi, I feel exactly the same! I was looking at some ‘boost’ and ‘energising’ herbal teas today but unsure if they actually work. I thought my tiredness might be due to having a laparoscopy op 4 weeks ago but maybe not?
I am going to look into yoga and maybe try and make myself walk more but like you some suggestions would be great. Whenever I sit down indoors I fall off to sleep! I’m also trying a gluten free diet, not sure how that’s going to go.
I hope you start feeling better soon and more energised! x
I saw an osteopath last year who suggested taking a few supplements. This is all based on my symptoms at the time. Turmeric tablets (to help reduce inflammation), apple cider vinegar with "the mother" (1 tablespoon a day mix with grape juice/ or similar juice) and liposoml vitamin C. Both apple cider vinegar and liposomol vit c help support your immune system.
Other supplements I've found help over the years are: vitamin D (i take it in the winter months and it's really helped strengthen my immune system), cod liver oil tablets and a strong probiotic tablet from Healthy Origins that has made a BIG difference to my stomach problems. I drink nettle tea because theres loads of health benefits, peppermint tea which really helps with gas pain and chamomile tea is an anti inflammatory and helps reduce pain.
The only problem with all of the above is that it takes time to work, you probably won't feel the benefits straight away.
I really don't know how you can work 10 hour shifts?! You're amazing!
I don’t take any supplements atall so I’m a bit lost so thanks very much for all your advise I really appreciate it!!
Ahh thankyou!! I don’t know how I get through most days without falling asleep myself 🙈xx
I am being treated for chronic fatigue. I had blood tests for low vit d, vit b12, iron magnesium and zinc as well as thyroid. So they are all things to look out for and can cause fatigue, so worth keeping topped up. My vit d was low but the others came out in normal ranges.
I also take echinaceae drops an immune boosting probiotic strain. As well as trying to do an anti inflammatory endo friendly diet with things like turmeric and ginger and avoiding dairy and gluten.