I had a laparoscopy 12 days ago and started my period two days ago. My period is much heavier than before but much less painful. Generally the end pain is all but gone. My mood though is all over the place. I'm teary, irritable, really sensitive to anything said to me - I couldn't face going to work today and don't really want to leave my bed. I don't feel like myself at all which is adding to my low mood. Has anyone else experienced this after their laparoscopy? Could this be hormonal? Apart from horrendous pain when premenstrual I never suffered from PMS.
Extreme low mood: I had a laparoscopy 1... - Endometriosis UK
Extreme low mood

Hey - yes I have had 6 ops and each time the hormones hit me around 2 weeks post-op and I feel terrible, very depressed and teary which isn’t like me at all. It usually lifts within a week for me - hang in there x
hiya. I only had my surgery a week ago tomorrow and I'm having extremely low moods too all of a sudden! its so horrible, one minute I'm crying and the next I'm so angry, it feels so out of hand. after a cry I feel a little better but it feels like just a waiting game before my net breakdown lol. hope you're feeling better soon xxx
Having any Op. can give you low feelings. The anaesthetic can effect you for 3 mths. This period will probably be worse and or til the body settles down. Hopefully you will feel a little better. Then there's the hidden physiological effects, even possible depression. I feel you should talk to a friend about this and think about the feeling before the Lap. You're probably very teary, I was on all surgery. My best Joy