Hi everyone. I've been having severe periods that have been getting consistently worse over the past two years.
I feel as though my symptoms are really light compared to other stories I've read. My symptoms flare up a week before my period, light "normal" cramping, with painful, bloody, bowel movements, and then a day of crippling pain only on the first day of my period. My periods are not super heavy, sex is not painful(just leaves me with a "full" feeling). The rest of the month I feel fine, except for chronic fatigue and light pressure on my left side(ultrasound and colonoscopy were clear).
When I went to the doctor to ask about the possibility of checking for endometriosis via laparoscopy, she asked me if I had heard of endometriosis before I even brought it up, which seems promising.
Overall, it's not that I WANT Endometriosis, I just want answers to the pain/discomfort/fatigue I've had over the past 5 years. I am getting a lap done on March 9th, but I'm worried they wont find a thing and tell me it's all in my head, or that I'm just weak to pain. I mainly just wanted to vent to people who would understand what I'm going through, since family and friends think it's a little weird I wanted to push for the lap so badly. Has anyone else had these same fears? Or had "light" symptoms but still were diagnosed with endo?