Hi all,
does anyone get pain and weakness in the back of their knees.. which makes you limp and feel like your legs are so weak and tired that you need to stop walking?? Could this be a sign of endometriosis scarring? xx
Hi all,
does anyone get pain and weakness in the back of their knees.. which makes you limp and feel like your legs are so weak and tired that you need to stop walking?? Could this be a sign of endometriosis scarring? xx
Oh yes I limp too because it’s not just the knee it’s the ankle, foot toe next to the toe thumb, and groin pain, and hip pain. And have sciatic pain that never came out positive in the MRI SCAN. So I really don’t know what’s going on, but it is.
That is terrible and frustrating :@ I do hope someone can help you. Are you seeing someone for it? Did you ever had a laparoscopy?
Yes I had a laparoscopy. My right ovary is removed. I went to a podiatrist and now will go back again then will be going for rheumatoid doc. I have merina iud inside. IUD also helped me. I stopped taking endovan because IUD worked for me in controlling my periods. So I didn’t want to pop a lot of pills
Regarding endovan If you go online and google you will be able to read about it. It’s Komodo pharmaceuticals and endovan I suppose.
How long did it take you to recover from this surgery?
It varies from person to person. I would say depending on age too. I was 34 so it was around a month at the time
It’s painful and I guess endo patients are already sensitive towards pain. Then there’s weakness too. The first couple of weeks takes away for the stitches to heal. That’s the minimum time I would say then there’s a lot of weakness so basically one has to listen to the body.
have you been diagnosed for endometriosis yet?
I had pain down my thighs and legs and feeling weakness in my legs whilst waiting for a diagnosis. And was diagnosed with stage 4..
Hi Kate, sorry to hear about your thighs and legs pains. My thighs also hurt sometimes.. Are you having any treatment for it all?
Having zolodex injections before my next op I’m on injection 3
Currently flaring up bad horrendous stomach cramps and endo symptoms lol but been fine previously but I started the gym last week I don’t know if I’ve aggravated it