Is my chronic low back pain coz of endo o... - Endometriosis UK

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Is my chronic low back pain coz of endo or just back pain itself?

Misheel profile image
16 Replies

Hi all. I’ve been experiencing a great deal of low back pain for 1,5 years in 24/7. I have endo too. Is anyone with endo experiencing the same? Can it be coz of endo, or just lack of exercise? Does yoga help? Tnx

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Misheel profile image
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16 Replies
Starry profile image

Its possible, though there are other back pain causes too.

Uterosacral ligament endo is known to do so and adhesions possibly too. I'd never associated my back pain with it but it did improve significantly after excision of us endo and adhesions around my bowel pulling it out of place.

weekari profile image

I'm almost certain my back pain is endo related. I see a chiropractor which helps massively. I also do yoga every day which gets me from the hobbling old lady to upright and movable. It's such a struggle for me.

Do you know where your endo is? I'm not 100% sure where mine is as I've been told such a variety of things but I have a large endo filled fibroid behind my uterus that possess into my spine and back passage which I believe causes a lot of my pain.

I've been offered zoladex to try shrink everything but after a lot of research I've decided to try progesterone cream first. I'll keep posting about how this affects things.

clynch96 profile image

Hi! Do you know where your endo is? Mine was basically everywhere, however, endo specificaly located on your pelvis can cause serious hip/lower back pain. Im 13 days post surgery and feel an improvement but still occasionaly get back pain. Ive heard swimming really helps if your able to manage that! Once im fully recovered i plan to start. :)

Char411 profile image

This is one of my worst symptoms, my lower back pain varies due to where I am in my cycle. I have endo behind my uterus and pouch of Douglas amongst various other places. I also get shooting nerve pain in my back near or on my period, I believe it to be due to the inflammation pressing on a nerve it shouldn’t be. I have found an electric heating pad helps my back pain a great deal. It was £35 from Argos and works wonders somedays

Best of luck xx

MrsMock profile image

I get terrible lower back pain, leg pain too. I use a machine similar to a tens machine to help ease the symptoms. Also since giving up gluten my back pain has improved a lot.

Jesska profile image


The only way to know is to have an MRI scan because that shows everything. I have endometriosis and also have chronic back pain. I did ask the doctor whether it could be from the endo but she doesn't think so. However, she wasn't that informative to begin with. Please see a doctor that will actually do something for you because the longer you leave it, it only becomes more of a struggle on your mental health. Good luck huni. X

Salvia profile image

Hi misheel

I suffer from a lot of lower back pain and this has got worse now that I e also been diagnosed with fibroids. The endo caused it before. Apparently it’s a pressure sensation.

After I’ve been lying down it’s really bad. I feel stiff and fixed.

I’ve used yoga to ease the pain but it needs to be really gentle. I tried some yoga ball exercises and it only made it worse.

Hope you find some relief. X

Salvia profile image

My Endo was all around bowel, pouch of Douglas and the fibroids that have recently been scanned Are as yet to be reported on as to their location. Some of you manage to get such detailed info from your docs. How do you do it?

I also get shooting pains down from the hips into the thighs. I presume it’s pressure from excess endo tissue pressing down on sciatic nerves.

Hot water bottles have been great at easing this. I tie them to my back with a scarf and look a right idiot but it has to be done. Xx

Gwen172 profile image

Hi, I have had constant low back pain since hysterectomy over 24 years ago! I am finally being referred to BSGE centre. Fed up of being fobbed off. Think I have gone round in circles😩. Good luck xx

pinkfairydust10 profile image

Hi Misheel. Sorry to hear how you you are feeling, I can not recommend anything for the pain as I too am suffering greatly with my back. What do you take to ease the pain? I am currently in agony with a hot water bottle xxx

Hi I believe my back was caused by endo too. The back pain completely went away after surgery, they removed a large endometrial mass from the recto-vaginal area, surgeons said it was probably pressing on nerves and causing the back pain. All the best to you x

Danmcg profile image

I also suffer from lower back pain/ache and my endo is situated on the uterosacral ligament and doing some research apparently that causes the back ache. Going to try the coil but not sure if itll help x

vmagpie profile image

Hi, I suffer a lot with lower back, left hip and leg pain along with other pain symptoms. I’m waiting for mri results (I’m not diagnosed) but thinking maybe something to do with endo is affecting my sciatic nerve, or possibly it’s related to where the endo (or whatever the heck it is) is or that I have sciatica as well as whatever is going on in my pelvis.

Maybe ask doctors to investigate other causes. I’m thinking of starting yoga myself because I think any physical improvement will make you feel better with everything we go through.

Hope you find some relief x

Misheel profile image

tnx all for your advice. MRI is a good idea to find out the exact cause, however, this endo is the main cause, i am sure. Doing mild yoga helps me a bit, i think. I will try hot water tube. Tnx again, girls

VincetteNoir profile image

I originally thought that my back pain was muscular skeletal and I was blaming by bed and shoes before I was diagnosed.

LittleG22 profile image

The doctors always say my lower back pain is not due to my endometrioma but it disappeared when they removed the cyst. It started coming back so I had a scan and there is a new cyst.

So all in all, I'm pretty convinced that it is the endometrioma. Also if it is muscular skeletal, surely it wouldn't just be on the right.

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