Sorry for all the rants but I really need one right now. I have no one in my life to turn to about all of this as my parents don’t believe me, my best friend thinks I make it up and my boyfriend doesn’t understand much anyways.
Past couple of months the pain has been constantly there all month and not only when it’s my period. It’s like an ache in my hips, back and lower stomach. With the occassional sharp ovary pain and sharp rectal pain (does anyone else get this). The tiredness is ridiculous and people just think I’m being lazy for wanting to sleep so early at night etc. I’ve started getting bad acne around my chin and I’ve never had this before so I feel shit. I eat healthy too.
The fact I’m 18 and can’t go out and drink etc really gets to me as my best friend tries to argue with me when I don’t want to go out due to the pain and fatigue. Plus alcohol gives me extreme heartburn which is unpleasant. I want to be a normal teenager 😩
I have to wait for a 4th opinion before my lap as my doctor is going against the endo specialists report and the GP doesn’t think I need a lap or have endo. This is really frustrating as it’s like going round in circles.
I really don’t know what to do as I’m become distant to my boyfriend so I keep secrets about all of this from him especially the painful sex part in case he leaves and the cysts so he doesn’t worry