Hey all endo warriors 🙋🏽
Hope your all doing well.xxxx
I haven’t posted here properly on my experience for a while. I always like to be positive, be there for others and be happy so haven’t really looked on here as it’s been a tough old time. I’m here for anyone if they have any questions or need help.xx
I suppose I’m kind of here to say dont give up if you’re still struggling after surgery and excision. This is a lot harder then I had imagined. Stay strong and find people who care❤️.
I was diagnosed with endo on the 23rd September, had what they could see excised, a burst fimbral cyst on my ovary removed, adhesions separated, endo removed off bladder, unusual and also endo on pouch of Douglas and potentially bowel, they made it very clear that they could only remove what they could see and no deep infiltrating endo, at this time my bladder was stretched and had inflammation of the bladder, my bladder is like Arnie basically, tiny and vascular 😂 (although Arnie isn’t small just vascular 😂, they gave some doctors terms I have no idea what it meant and inflammation is easier to say 😂).
The mirena coil was fitted to help endo and as said above stretched bladder to try and help that.
After this I felt like I was doing ok. Up and down but I expected that. However, 9 weeks in And i am pretty much immobile.
I’ve been in hospital and referred to by my gp. My pupils were one large and one small, sickness and vomiting, with brain fog, tremors, sweats, shakes, dizziness, blurry, faint, all the endo and bladder symptoms and the pain is so much more unbearable now. I had masses of symptoms. I can’t walk anywhere anymore and I feel like a 99 year old and they are more spritely. My blood pressure is low a lot but also has spikes of healthy every now and again.
This is insane. I would lift weights, walk everywhere, be buzzing round everywhere like a blue ass fly and now I’m a polar opposite. I was like woman on a mission.
Now I’m a no one, empty and I feel like again my body is giving up.
It’s scary, very, has anyone else experienced this after excision and coil? Or have any other things as above that went this way.
I know it’s only 9 weeks after and I know endo is a chronic condition but this doesn’t feel just like endo. If anyone has experienced this any shout outs would be amazing.
Sending lots of hugs to everyone on here ❤️.
Much love.